Eurobank EFG is an important contributor to Serbia's social product
24. March 2010. | 07:55
Source: EMportal
Ranking third in terms of equity, Eurobank EFG Serbia enjoys outstanding capital adequacy and solid financial standing. As a sizable employer with more than 1500 employees and 125 branches and business centers, Eurobank EFG is also an important contributor to the country’s social product.
On the occasion of the Group results’ announcement, the President of the Executive Board of “Eurobank EFG” in Serbia, Mr. Philippos Karamanolis issued the following statement:
“In a turbulent year, the Eurobank EFG Group delivered a solid set of results, with sound profitability and strong capital adequacy, demonstrating its ability to successfully manage current challenges. Group profits for the year reached €362 m after regular tax, while total capital adequacy increased by 2,3% to 12,7%.
“Eurobank EFG Beograd” a banking institution registered and operating in Serbia under the supervision of the National Bank of Serbia, has solidified its status as one of the leading banks in the country.
Ranking third in terms of equity, Eurobank EFG Serbia enjoys outstanding capital adequacy and solid financial standing. As a sizable employer with more than 1500 employees and 125 branches and business centers, Eurobank EFG is also an important contributor to the country’s social product.
So far, we have contributed more than €3m through the comprehensive CSR program entitled “We invest in European values”, by supporting projects related to education, public health, social inclusion and the protection of the environment.
The bank’s overall performance was recognized through the prominent award “GOLD PLAQUE in the Banking Sector for 2009” by the Association of Business Journalists – evidence to the quality of our services. Moreover, the inauguration last October of our new eco-friendly headquarters in Belgrade bear further proof of the Bank’s committed investment in the country.
Eurobank EFG intends to continue to act as an agent of stability and development, standing responsibly by Serbian clients and the Serbian economy.
Overall, the Eurobank EFG Group is a committed investor in the region, as international activities are a key pillar of the Group’s strategy for future growth. This commitment was evidenced in 2009, as Eurobank EFG spearheaded, together with other regional banking groups, initiatives at a global scale to support regional economies through the European Commission and through the Vienna Initiative, in collaboration with the IMF, the EBRD, and the EIB.”
Note: Eurobank EFG Serbia financial results for 2009 will be released by end of this week.
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