Central and SEE Forum on Energy Management at the Local Level
16. September 2010. | 17:23 17:27
Source: Emg.rs
Central European Development Forum CEDEF, with the support of Ministry of Mining and Energy of Republic of Serbia and in cooperation with Energy Efficiency Agency of Republic of Serbia and City of Nis as a host, has the pleasure to invite you to attend “The First International Forum on Energy Management at local level”.
Central European Development Forum CEDEF, with the support of Ministry of Mining and Energy of Republic of Serbia and in cooperation with Energy Efficiency Agency of Republic of Serbia and City of Nis as a host, has the pleasure to invite you to attend “The First International Forum on Energy Management at local level”.
This unique event, first of its kind in the region, will be opened by dr Petar Skundric, Minister of Mining and Energy of Republic of Serbia, and Milos Simonovic, the Mayor of the City of Nis.
More than 300 experts from the whole Europe, from Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYRMacedonia and Bulgaria as well as numerous representatives of local government, investors, ambassadors, banks, businesses, chambers, expert and development organizations, international and national media, will take part in this Forum.
Main goal of Forum is to introduce advantages of implementation of the obligatory energy management on the local level, for the purpose of energy efficiency and energy saving. International and national speakers will present good experiences and economic effects of energy efficiency in local government across Central Europe.
Exchange of international experiences at the Forum will contribute to the stronger participation of local citizens in the process of education, planning and implementation, and to more direct cooperation with the respected banks, funds and EU institutions ready to invest in development of energy efficiency.
Organization Board includes CEDEF, Ministry of Mining and Energy, Energy Efficiency Agency of the Republic of Serbia, City of Nis, ED Jugoistok, Henkel, Knauf, GTZ, and Banca Intesa.
Through interactive sessions, the Forum will present the benefits of energy management in municipalities, as a measure aimed at using minimal amounts of energy so that the activity and production rate and the level of comfort remain preserved.
A few specially organized events will compliment the Forum: an exhibition of artistic photography about energy, exhibition-presentation of the series of successfully implemented energy efficiency projects in Serbia and other countries, announcement of Competition for the best media coverage on the topic of energy efficiency in 2010, and announcement of competition from the Board for development of lighting the new memorial complex Emperor Constantine in Nis to celebrate 1700 years since the signing of the Milan Edict.
We hope that you will take part in this event. For journalists from Belgrade, the transport is arranged in relation Belgrade-Nis-Belgrade, with necessary accreditation till September 15th by phone or email to the contacts that are signed.
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