"Macedonia Loves You”
02. September 2011. | 11:01
The project "Macedonia Loves You" began in 2007 and promotes the beauty of Macedonia, friendship and understanding among the people since then. In 2010 the project "Macedonia Loves You" started other project "The Best Promoter of Macedonia" which ended with great success.
The project "Macedonia Loves You" has started the third edition of the website www.macedonialovesyou.com aimed at joining the celebration of the 20th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Macedonia.
New edition focuses on promoting the idea Macedonia@20 and presenting the beauties of Macedonia through twenty words or twenty images. Macedonians and foreigners describe the country from their personal aspect.
The Professor of Chicago University described the Macedonian language in twenty words, while honorary consul in Belgium said that there are many adjectives than can be replaced with one word: Macedonian.
The Macedonians narrate about their biblical country, steeped in history...like a pearl hidden in its shell.
Macedonia@20 is a campaign open to all who like to share their impressions and reflections on beauties of Macedonia in 20 words or 20 images.
The project "Macedonia Loves You" began in 2007 and promotes the beauty of Macedonia, friendship and understanding among the people since then. In 2010 the project "Macedonia Loves You" started other project "The Best Promoter of Macedonia" which ended with great success. It second edition will begin on Sept. 14, 2011.
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