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Gruevski announces fresh package of anti-crisis measures

22. February 2010. | 10:00

Source: MIA

Government in coordination with chambers of commerce, businessmen and companies will unveil a fresh package of anti-crisis measures in due time, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced on Sunday.

Government in coordination with chambers of commerce, businessmen and companies will unveil a fresh package of anti-crisis measures in due time, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced on Sunday.

- A smaller package of anti-crisis measures is in the works. They need to be defined by the end of next week at separate meetings with economy ministers and a week later the Government will review and present them.

They are drafted in cooperation with chambers of commerce, businessmen, companies.

But as I have said before, nothing spectacular should be expected, because we did most of what we should have done to alleviate the crisis with the three anti-crisis packages and with many other separate measures that were taken, without being included in the packages, stated Gruevski as he was visiting Kratovo on Sunday.


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