Failure of "Ottoman party" in Shumen
03. April 2010. | 07:11
Source: Focus News Agency
Most of the people who tried to establish the party are under the age of 16 years. The party will not be established because it had not collected the necessary number of sympathyzers – at least 500.
Some 72 Romany people tried to establish Turkish OTTOMAN Party in the town Shumen, reporter of Radio Focus – Shumen reported.
Most of the people who tried to establish the party are under the age of 16 years. The party will not be established because it had not collected the necessary number of sympathyzers – at least 500.
300 members and sympathizers of VMRO had protested in the town of Shumen against the establishment of the party. One of the two Yuzeirovi brothers tried to provoke people as wearing a fez on his head trying to lay flowers at the monument of Colonel Konstantin Kavarnaliev. However, police officers stopped him and forced him to take off the fez.
The Turkish OTTOMAN Party will be established in a week, said one of the two Yuzeirovi brothers – Yuzeir Yuzeirov during a news conference, Radio FOCUS Shumen reporter informs. This will be done in a secret place, known only by the establishers.
Yuzeir Yuzeirov said further the non-established party becomes illegal. His brother, Ali Yseirov asked who prevented the sympathizers of the OTTOMAN party to attend the establishment of the party. He said further the active reaction of everybody today, showed they are on the right way.
Parties with the ideas of the OTTOMAN will exists no matter whether Yuzeirovi brothers are the leaders, Ali Yuzeirov said further. However, today they had made second attempt to drive in a nail into coffin of the chauvinism of Bulgaria.
However, Yuzeir Yuzeirov said the coffin of the chauvinism is almost ready and that it (chauvinism) is decreasing. Ali Yseirov announced the candidates for president of the OTTOMAN party – He will be a candidate for President and the former municipal councilor from the town of Shumen Zhulien Rusev – candidate for Vice-President.
VMRO will fill in claim against Yuseirovi brothers in the Chief Prosecutor’s Office, said the deputy chairman of the VMRO Kostadin Kostadinov in an interview with FOCUS News Agency.
“We will write a letter and will fill in claim in the Chief Prosecutor’s Office. We will also give a signal with recorded statement of one of the Yuseirovi brothers, where he wants the names of the Bulgarian towns to be changed and where he says they (Turks) were pressed in Bulgaria for 130 years, etc. – things, which threatens the national security, because they impels ethnical tension,” Kostadinov said.
In his words the actions on the Yuseimovi brothers aim at elementary provocation.
“I think that they are supported by certain circles in the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF), which want to show there are more radical people than them; however, it is possible the two brothers to use what they do at the moment for elementary business, because as far as we understood they have contacts with some Arabian foundations, which, to say, made donations to them.
Respectively, it seems they had turned the establishment of political, Islamic, Ottoman or Musim-Democratic or whatever parties in Bulgaria into a very serious business. However, it does not matter who stands behind them – both the state power and the Bulgarian society should respond to those provocations immediately,” said the deputy chairman of VMRO.
“If something like what we saw today happens in another Balkan country, without exclusion, despite whether it is EU member state, it would not last for more than 5 minutes and those two [Yuseirovi brothers] would be arrested,” Kostadinov said.
In his word the Prosecutor’s Office should finish the investigation against the building of Yuseimovi brothers’ monument in the village of Slavyanovo, opened last year.
About 1/3 of the people who tried to establish Turkish OTTOMAN Party in the town Shumen were minors, said deputy chairman of VMRO Kostadin Kostadinov in an interview to FOCUS News Agency.
“What happen was expected. The party was not established. 73 Roma people tried to establish Turkish OTTOMAN Party. Big part of them, about 1/3, was minors. There were small children, even babies, too. The people had come for a concert of Sofia Marinova, which was not held. One of the two Yuzeirovi brothers tried to provoke people as wearing a fez on his head trying to lay flowers at the monument of Colonel Konstantin Kavarnaliev. However, over 300 people and VMRO sympathizers from the region of Shumen hiss at him.
Respectively, they waited for about an hour and a half to see whether someone else would come. It appeared that even the concert of Sofi Marinova, the treat and the expected possible joining of people from Friday’s pray in the mosque did not help the two brothers to collect the minimum of 500 people to establish a party,” Kostadinov said.
The State Agency for National Security (SANS) does not work seriously in the field of anti-constitutional activity and against the establishment of separatist groups, which threatens the national security, said the leader of the Order, Law and Justice (OLJ) Yane Yanev for FOCUS News Agency commenting on the attempt Turkish OTTOMAN Party to be established in the town of Shumen.
“Since such provocations, which are peculiar verbal extremism, are allowed in the society then there are lots of problems, which the country cannot resolve. The SANS should do its job well over the different forms of anti-constitutional activity; such events should be nip in the bud the society not to feel such things exist. The SANS should work to prevent such events to guarantee that the constitutional structure of the country and the national security are not threatened.
In his words it should be taken into consideration more and more such provocation will occur in the country, in the view to what happens at the Balkans and in the region.
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