The FYRMacedonia takes over from Switzerland as Chair of the CoE Committee of Ministers
11. May 2010. | 15:13
Source: EMGportal
The Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Council of Europe member states hold the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, the executive body of the Organisation, on a rotating basis in alphabetical order, for a six-month term.
The Ministers for Foreign Affairs of Council of Europe member states hold the Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers, the executive body of the Organisation, on a rotating basis in alphabetical order, for a six-month term.
The Chairmanship was transferred from Switzerland to “ the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia” on 11 May, at the close of the session of the Committee of Ministers. Antonio Miloshoski, Minister for Foreign Affairs of “the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia”, presented the priorities of his country’s programme.
A press conference with outgoing Chairperson Micheline Calmy-Rey, incoming Chairman Antonio Miloshoski, and Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland held at 3 pm (Room 1, Palais de l'Europe, 2nd floor).
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