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Croatian PM announces downsizing of state agencies

19. May 2010. | 12:31

Source: Hina

Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor on Monday visited the Administration Ministry and met Minister Davorin Mlakar, saying afterwards that the government was considering the possibility of downsizing government departments, bureaus and agencies.

Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor on Monday visited the Administration Ministry and met Minister Davorin Mlakar, saying afterwards that the government was considering the possibility of downsizing government departments, bureaus and agencies.

There are more than 90 such bodies employing an impressive number of people and every fifth employee is an executive, Kosor said, adding the ministry would propose for the next government session criteria for the reduction of those bodies, their merging or inclusion into the ministries.

"There is also the issue of salaries, which are different than elsewhere in state administration. Someone can't have a higher income for the same job only because they are 'separate' from the ministries," said Kosor.

She recalled that the Administration Ministry was conducting a thorough analysis of the entire system based on which a decision would be made on the possibility of reducing the number of local and regional self-government units. She said the decision would not be made without the full consensus of all political parties.

Mlakar said the Administration Ministry would draw up by March 2011 a registry of all state administration employees in order to downsize the sector.


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20. September - 26. September 2010.
