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Greece: Rise in West Nile Virus cases till the end of August

20. August 2010. | 07:59

Source: NET

Scientists predict rise in West Nile virus cases as continuing high temperatures favour mosquito activity. Thirteen new cases have been recorded rising the number to 77 of people infected with the West Nile virus. Five people have died.

Scientists predict rise in West Nile virus cases as continuing high temperatures favour mosquito activity. Thirteen new cases have been recorded rising the number to 77 of people infected with the West Nile virus. Five people have died.

Three old age people with a bad health record are the new victims. One patient died on Tuesday and lab tests identified the virus while the other two died on Wednesday.

Health authorities within efforts to control infections have decided to suspend blood donation in central Macedonia and Larissa, where the majority of encephalitis cases caused by the West Nile virus were recorded.


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23. August - 29. August 2010.
