TOP 300 Capital declares Ion Tiriac the richest man in Romania
19. October 2010. | 08:22
In 2009, the cumulated wealth of the 300 Romanians was 30 billion euro, a 6 billion euro decrease compared to 2008 and a 9 billion decrease compared to 2007.
Ion Tiriac, Dinu Patriciu, Ioan Niculae, Adamescu and Voiculescu families are the richest businessmen in Romania, according to an annual top set up by the Capital financial magazine. This year, businessman Ion Tiriac was classed first with a wealth estimated at 1.5 - 1.6 billion euro.
The magazine ranks Dinu Patriciu as second with 1.4 - 1.45 billion euro and Ioan Niculae with 1.25 - 1.4 billion euro. Top 300 shows that 43 billionaires registered, last year, an increase in their wealth while 169 registered decreases.
In 2009, the cumulated wealth of the 300 Romanians was 30 billion euro, a 6 billion euro decrease compared to 2008 and a 9 billion decrease compared to 2007.
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