Romanian FM organizes Bucharest Business Forum
19. October 2010. | 08:23
Source: Agerpres
The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) organizes the Bucharest Business Forum, which marks the start of a number of actions aiming at creating a dialogue platform for the players interested in the development of priority projects and strategic partnerships in Europe within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) organizes the Bucharest Business Forum, which marks the start of a number of actions aiming at creating a dialogue platform for the players interested in the development of priority projects and strategic partnerships in Europe within the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
The Bucharest Business Forum, organized in partnership with the World Trade Institute in Bucharest and the Steinbeis-Baden-Wurttemberg Foundation, is targeting the business environment in Romania and in the other Danube riparian states, the civil society representatives, the federations and the trade unions in the targeted activity fields, informed MAE.
The event focuses on the creation and development of networks for priority business fields, which can be explored as part of pillar three (socioeconomic development) of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region.
The agenda of the Forum, which ends on Tuesday, October 19, includes a plenary session that will approach priority topics of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region and six theme workshops on the following topics: tourism, culture and education, fashion and design industry, food industry and health care, information and communications technology, media and the digital agenda, environmental protection (waters and forests) and manufacturing and chemical industry.
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