Bulgaria: Lead container full of cesium found
12. January 2011. | 07:50
Source: Tanjug
A radio-active cesium was found in a lead container Bulgarian police seized from a provender factory in Asenovgrad.
A radio-active cesium was found in a lead container Bulgarian police seized from a provender factory in Asenovgrad.
A can of cesium weighting 190 kilograms came to the factory from Ukraine, police said in a statement Monday.
So far it is not known how radio-active material came to Bulgaria and why it was housed in a provender factory.
Cesium is used for photo-cathodes production for photocells, and radionuclide Cesium-137 is used in radio-therapy.
Bulgarian police stated that they have arrested three persons under suspicion that they are the owners of the 40-centimeters radius lead container that was found in an industrial area of the Asenovgrad.
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