Bolivia is 131. country to use Macedonia's constitutional name
20. January 2011. | 08:52 08:54
Source: MIA,
Bolivia becomes the 131. country using the Republic of Macedonia's constitutional name in bilateral relations. Zimbabwe is the latest country establishing diplomatic ties with Macedonia under the constitutional name on 14 January.
Bolivia's government has decided to use the Republic of Macedonia's constitutional name in future bilateral communication, reads the letter of Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca, sent to Macedonian counterpart Antonio Milososki through its UN mission.
Bolivia was the first country from the South American continent to establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of Macedonia under the interim reference through exchange of letters between the countries' ambassadors to the UN, Denko Maleski and Edgar Camacho Omiste, on 15 June 1994.
Bolivia becomes the 131. country using the Republic of Macedonia's constitutional name in bilateral relations. Zimbabwe is the latest country establishing diplomatic ties with Macedonia under the constitutional name on 14 January.
Comments (3)
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23. January 2011. 09:33:10
| Marko
Congratulations to Macedonia for this great success!
26. January 2011. 17:14:44
Good, total countries in the world: 195.
Almost there :-)
09. February 2011. 06:40:07
| Ime
it is time to stand down greece and let the truth come out.