EU supports the upgrade of border services in Albania
09. February 2011. | 07:32
Source: Emg
The EU funded project "EU Training package" that was handed over to the Albanian State Police and Custom services will support the upgrade of border services to EU standards and the implementation of the integrated border management strategy. The total cost of the project is over €6 million. During 2010 the EU provided €93 million of assistance to Albania.
Strengthening the border controls in Albania is an essential tool in the fight against organised crime, corruption and illegal migration.
The EU funded project "EU Training package" that was handed over to the Albanian State Police and Custom services will support the upgrade of border services to EU standards and the implementation of the integrated border management strategy. The total cost of the project is over €6 million. During 2010 the EU provided €93 million of assistance to Albania.
The "EU Training package" for border services, was handed over today to the Albanian State Police and Custom services. This package was prepared in the framework of the EU-funded project of assistance to the Albanian Police "PAMECA" and has been rolled out by the project to all border control services, in the form of a "train the trainers" programme now part of the training curricula of the border services. It improves the services delivered at the borders, and also supports the fight against organised crime, corruption and illegal migration.
Strengthening border controls is an essential tool in the fight against organised crime, corruption and illegal migration. After two years of Border Control Training at the light of EU standards the PAMECA project handovers today the final Training package including European and Albanian Best practices, training modules in car thefts, risk analysis, Schengen aquis, etc.
This training has already been delivered at all border crossing points and part of the permanent training programme for border services in Albania. The project has trained trainers of the Border and Migration Police and Customs Administration. The training curricula developed and delivered by the project supports the implementation of the Schengen acquis in the area as well as the implementation of the Albanian Integrated Border Management Strategy and its Action Plan.
During the handover ceremony, the First Secretary of the EU Delegation to Albania, Aneil Singh emphasised that "the fight against organized crime and corruption, and sound border management remain key issues for the Enlargement agenda, and for the establishment of an area of justice, freedom and liberty. Sound management of borders will also improve the protection of fundamental freedoms".
The total cost of the PAMECA project is over €6 million. Its implementation has begun in mid-2008. An important component of this project is the assistance in the area of Border Management. The project is implemented by the United Kingdom in partnership with Austria. The EU is also funding the construction 12 border crossings between Albania and its neighbours with a support totalling €5.4 million. During 2010 alone the EU provided €93 million of assistance to Albania.
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