Bulgaria's GDP per capita expectedly lowest in EU
22. June 2011. | 12:01
Source: Sofia News Agency
Bulgaria's GDP per capita expressed in Purchasing Power Standards is 57% below the EU 27 average, according to Eurostat's preliminary data for 2010.
Bulgaria's GDP per capita expressed in Purchasing Power Standards is 57% below the EU 27 average, according to Eurostat's preliminary data for 2010.
In Spain, Italy and Cyprus, GDP per capita was around the EU27 average, while in France it was around 5% above the average. Germany, Belgium, Finland and the United Kingdom were between 10% and 20% above the average, while Denmark, Ireland, Austria and Sweden were all around 25% above the average.
The Netherlands was about one third above the average, while the highest level of GDP per capita in the EU27 was recorded in Luxembourg – 283% of the average.
Greece, Slovenia, Malta, Portugal and the Czech Republic were between 10% and 20% lower than the EU27 average, while Slovakia was around 25% below. Estonia, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia were between 35% and 50% lower. Romania is next to last with 45%. Both Balkan EU newcomers lag behind Turkey (48%) and Croatia (61%).
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