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Regional ministers agree to expand cooperation agreements

09. July 2011. | 04:33

Source: Tanjug, Infobiro.tv

The justice ministers of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), Snezana Malovic, Drazen Bosnjakovic and Barisa Colak, as well as regional prosecutors, agreed Friday in Sremski Karlovci, that existing cooperation and extradition agreements needed to be expanded.

The justice ministers of Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), Snezana Malovic, Drazen Bosnjakovic and Barisa Colak, as well as regional prosecutors, agreed Friday in Sremski Karlovci, that existing cooperation and extradition agreements needed to be expanded.

Expert teams from all three countries will meet next week to start work on changes which should prevent criminals from seeking refuge in other countries in the region by using dual citizenships.

They discussed concrete cases, such as Dragan Paravinja, charged with a crime in Croatia, and Mile Dakic, arrested in BiH for a crime committed in Vojnic, Croatia.

After the two-hour meeting, Serbian Justice Minister Snezana Malovic said she and her colleagues opened many topics related to improving the normative framework for cooperation among the three countries, and international legal assistance in criminal matters.

"We also touched on concrete cases, in which our three countries share a common interest, namely to bring the suspects to justice," Malovic said.

Croatian Justice Minister Drazen Bosnjakovic said there was a lot of room to improve cooperation among the three countries.

"We have agreements which are already in effect, but cases crop up which show the agreements need more work, such as the case of Dragan Paravinja, who committed a crime in Croatia, but all three countries have some connection to the case," Bosnjakovic said.

BiH Justice Minister Berisa Colak agreed the current agreements needed improving, saying his country was working on removing the obstacles preventing it from extraditing its citizens to other countries.


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11. July - 17. July 2011.
