06:20 06:24 | 0 | Emg.rs, EurActiv, MIA
The President of the European Council, Herman Van Rompuy started his regional visit to the Western Balkans on 19 October. He will visit Montenegro, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania.
07:17 | 0 | Alsat
Euro-deputy Fajon will hold a speech in front of an auditorium of students and other Albanian citizens. She is a strong supporter of the process of visa liberalization for Albanian citizens, so they can freely move in all European Union countries.
07:19 | 0 | Alsat
“Taci Oil” Group, as one of the most important tax-payers in Albania, which is constantly monitored by the state’s structures, exercises his activity in total compliance with the law on business, by preserving a correct report with all private operators within
07:21 | 0 | Fena
The Western Balkans Regional Competitiveness Initiative (RCI) Roundtable Meeting will be organized on 21st October 2010 in Sarajevo.
07:23 | 0 | BNR
Some 18% of the Croatians were threatened by poverty in 2009, data of the Central Bureau of Statistics shows.
07:25 | 0 | Dnevnik
Bulgaria and Latvia share the third place in terms of broadband Internet quality worldwide, a survey of Cisco Systems, conducted by the universities of Oxford and Oviedo, shows.
07:27 | 0 | Croatian Times
Starting this November, the University of Zadar will be offering diplomacy studies, the first such course on offer in Croatia.
07:29 07:31 | 0 | ANA
Prime minister George Papandreou set out five targets in the battle against unemployment, which he called Greece's number one problem, during a meeting with the social partners on Tuesday, adding that his PASOK government will apply "active policies" and not simply
07:32 | 0 | MIA
Faster exit of the region from the crisis and improved results in the future is in the focus of the international conference organized by "Euromoney" in Belgrade, including the participation of Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski.
07:36 | 1 | MIA
75th Rose-Roth seminar organised by the NATO Parliamentary Assembly in cooperation with the Parliament of Macedonia with supported provided by Switzerland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs started Tuesday in Skopje and is titled "Southeastern Europe: Creating New Momentum".
08:06 | 0 | SEtimes.com
Foreign ministry spokesperson Grigoris Delavekouras said on Monday (October 18th) that security has been tightened at diplomatic missions abroad in light of a recent threat.
08:08 | 0 | UPI
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie has been granted permission to make her film directorial debut in Bosnia next month, a government source told UsMagazine.com.