OIC: Fiasco of the Albanian draft resolution
22. May 2010. | 08:39
Source: EMGportal
The political director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Borko Stefanović, said the draft resolution on the situation in Kosovo, submitted by Albanian at an Organization of Islamic Conference meeting in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, had experienced a fiasco and that the document that has been adopted is in line with Serbia’s stands.
The political director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Borko Stefanović, said the draft resolution on the situation in Kosovo, submitted by Albanian at an Organization of Islamic Conference meeting in Dushanbe, Tajikistan, had experienced a fiasco and that the document that has been adopted is in line with Serbia’s stands.
After a diplomatic action of Serbia, with the help of friends of Serbia, OIC member-states, with constant amendments, none of the problematic items from the Albanian proposition was included in the resolution, he said.
The resolution that was adopted in the end has a moderate and acceptable form and it quotes UN SC Resolution 1244, which is very important for Serbia.
It does not affect Serbia’s sovereignty in any way nor does it prejudge a solution for the status of Kosmet, said Stefanović.
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