Serbia wants to complete cooperation with Hague Tribunal
16. June 2010. | 07:54
Source: Beta,
Serbian President Boris Tadic said on June 15, in Belgrade, that the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union was not enough, as Serbia wanted to conclude cooperation with the Hague tribunal.
Serbian President Boris Tadic said on June 15, in Belgrade, that the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) with the European Union was not enough, as Serbia wanted to conclude cooperation with the Hague tribunal.
"Based on what it is doing today, Serbia has received a positive report by Hague tribunal chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz, which has resulted in the ratification of the SAA with the EU. But that is not enough, because Serbia wants to complete cooperation with the Hague [tribunal], and all individuals indicted of crimes against humanity must appear before the court and must answer for such a great crime," Tadic stressed.
At a news conference after meeting with Sulejman Tihic, chairman of the House of Peoples of the Parliament of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Tadic said Serbia would do everything to arrest the last indictees before the Hague tribunal, Ratko Mladic and Goran Hadzic.
The president of Serbia said this was necessary for the reconciliation of the peoples of the Western Balkans.
"Though in the 1990s we were immersed in horrific wars and crimes, though perhaps we did not contribute to them personally, today we send a message to all of Europe and the world that the territory of the Western Balkans is a territory of reconciliation, permanent peace, that it is a territory that wants to be integrated into the EU both politically and geostrategically," Tadic said.
He voiced the hope that all former Yugoslav states would be together again in the EU, but added that before becoming members of the European family of peoples they have to do everything to implement the necessary reforms.
On June 14, in Luxembourg, EU foreign ministers decided to propose to their parliaments to ratify the SAA with Serbia.
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