Seven years after Gorazdevac massacre...
13. August 2010. | 10:35
Source: EMGportal
Author: Nikolaos D.A. Arvanites
As known on August 13, 2003 a machinegun was fired at a group of children swimming in the Bistrica River at Gorazdevac.
The seventh anniversary of the terrorist attack by Albanian extremists in which two Serb boys were killed and four youths injured on the bank of the River Bistrica will be marked in Gorazdevac, near Pec.
This monstrous crime shocked Serbia and was strongly condemned by international representatives, but the investigation into the crime is still at the beginning.
That hot summer day, 13th August 2003, about 100 boys and girls from the Serb enclave of Gorazdevac in Metohija arrived on the banks of the Bistrica River to enjoy the fresh river waters and company during their summer leave. The children's play and laughter was interrupted suddenly by the machinegun burst coming from the direction of the Albanianpopulated village of Zahac.
The terrorists fired 90 bullets and killed Igor Jovovic (19) on site, while Pantelija Dakic (13) died upon arrival in the Pec hospital. Bogdan Bukumiric (15) and Marko Bogichevic (11) were seriously injured, while Dragana Srbljak (14) and Djordje Ugrenovic (20) received light injuries.
UNMIK and KFOR chiefs, representatives of the EU, USA, France, Russia and Kosovo official condemned the crime in Gorazdevac. On August 17, Albanian terrorists again opened fire at five Serbian children in the center of Gorazdevac, but, fortunately, no one was killed.
UNMIK Police Chief Stefan Feller stated after the crime that he would turn every stone to find the children's killers. Despite that and an award of one million euro, issued by UNMIK, an indictment has yet to be issued.
According to EMportal sources Nedzmedin Lausi, called Musa, had organised and directly committed the murder of Serbian children in Gorazdevac according to UNMIK soucres.
Immediately after the terorist attack, Lausi and six terrorists more who had taken part in the crime escaped to the territory of BiH to hide in the vicinity of Zenica, a village populated by the Majahedeen after the war.
In the south of Kosovska Mitrovica, Nedzmedin Lausi-Musa run the militant wing of Abu Bekir Sadik, an extremist organization suspected of being in close connection to Al-Qaeda whose groups were active then in BiH and FYROM.
During the Kosovo Crisis and the then wartime several police checkpoints that protect Decani-Djakovica road were attacked by snipers and automatic weapon. It was repeatedly fired against the police near Prilep, Erec and Babaloc.
The attacks were executed by the groups of Albanian terrorists from the direction of Voksa village, Decani.
District attorney's office in Kosovska Mitrovica have brought criminalcharges against Ekrem Evdija, Spend Kopriva, Nedzmedin Lausa, Muhamed Avdija, Samir Hotli and AlijaHotli from Kosovska Mitrovica, under suspicion they were members of "Mujahedin" unit in the KLA.
It was quoted in the charges they had formed "Mujahedin" unit according to the instructions of certain Abdulah Duhajman, citizen of Saudi Arabia. Mujahedin unit, called "Abu Bekir Sadik", consisting of Muslim fanatics, was located in the region of Drenica.
Its members wore black uniforms and they were fAMous for their brutality in the clashes in this part of Kosovo and Metohija. Albanian terrorists killed four policemen near by Prilip settlement, on the Decani - Djakovica road.
State Secretary with Ministry for Kosovo-Metohija Oliver Ivanovic stated that it is high time that light be shed on the murder of children in Gorazdevac, western Kosovo.
Ivanovic pointed out that international missions in Kosovo have done nothing, not even after seven years since their arrival to the province, to help shed light on the crime in which children were victims of political struggle and revanchism for the first time.
He reminded of the promises UNMIK, EULEX and Kosovo authorities have given saying they will track down the perpetrators, pointing out that the result of their work is disappointing.
"We are disappointed in all Kosovo institutions and left without hope that the situation between ethnic Albanians and Serbs will ever be put in order. What we need are not new promises, but rather that someone finally starts investigating the crime and sanctioning the culprits," Ivanovic said.
EULEX spokesperson Irina Gudeljevic stated that the investigation led by EULEX Prosecutor regarding the murder of the two Serbian boys in Gorazdevac, on the Bistrica River, and wounding of four Serbian teenagers seven years ago, is coming to an end.
She stressed for the Tanjug that UNMIK carried out a preliminary investigation regarding the tragic events of August 13 2003, but at this time there are no suspects.
However, any closed investigation could be reopened at any time if the Prosecutor has new information that would help an investigation," said Gudeljevic.
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