Veto, new tactic in UN
16. August 2010. | 07:42
According to certain Serbian diplomats, the failure to pass the Serbian resolution that has been submitted to the UN General Assembly would be another lost battle, but not the entire “war”.
According to certain Serbian diplomats, the failure to pass the Serbian resolution that has been submitted to the UN General Assembly would be another lost battle, but not the entire “war”.
Namely, unlike the resolutions of the General Assembly, which are advisory in nature, the decisions of the UN Security Council are binding.
Therefore, even if the resolution of Belgrade does not pass in the UN General Assembly, it would not present any handicap in the continuation of the diplomatic battle for Kosmet, the VECERNJE NOVOSTI quotes Radoslav Stojanovic, a professor of the international law.
In practice, as long as Security Council Resolution 1244 is in effect, as it guarantees the territorial integrity of Serbia, Belgrade will have some footing, or as Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic had described it “a safe harbor” for the defense of its position towards Kosmet.
The strategy of the official Belgrade is to remain consistent in its policy, because only that way new recognitions of Kosmet will be prevented and the support of Moscow and Beijing provided in the Security Council.
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