Serbia's budget deficit reaches RSD 54.6 bln
16. August 2010. | 07:45
Source: Tanjug
Serbia's budget deficit reached RSD 54.6 billion (EUR 1 = RSD 105) in the first six months of 2010, which is 19 percent less than last year.
Serbia's budget deficit reached RSD 54.6 billion (EUR 1 = RSD 105) in the first six months of 2010, which is 19 percent less than last year.
Budget revenues for the first six months of this year were RSD 301.6 billion, about seven percent more than last year, while the expanditure increased only by two percent, totaling RSD 356.2 billion, it was said in the Chamber of Commerce's magazine Konjukturni trendovi, adding that everything "goes according to usual dynamics."
In June 2010, Serbia generated a total of RSD 53.5 billion from revenues, most of which was obtained through value added tax - RSD 26.2 billion.
Excise tax, duties and other tax and non-tax revenues - tax on cell phone use and car registration, fines, revenues from games of chance, interest rates, dividends - were all obtained as planned.
In June, as in previous months, the greatest expenditure was registered in the sector of workers' salaries, transfer of money to organizations of compulsory social protection (pension fund, Health Insurance Office, National Employment Service).
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