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CoE Rapporteur: Witnesses are being murdered in Kosovo

10. January 2011. | 09:13

Source: Tanjug

After the Swiss Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur Dick Marty’s report that revealed several horrifying facts on organ trafficking in Kosovo, the Monaco CoE Rapporteur Jean Charles Gardetto assessed in his report the situation in Kosovo as alarming, underscoring killings of witnesses and insecurity.

After the Swiss Council of Europe (CoE) Special Rapporteur Dick Marty’s report that revealed several horrifying facts on organ trafficking in Kosovo, the Monaco CoE Rapporteur Jean Charles Gardetto assessed in his report the situation in Kosovo as alarming, underscoring killings of witnesses and insecurity.

Gardetto stated there is no adequate witness protection in Kosovo and that those who decide to come forward risk much, even their lives.

The report is to be debated by the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly in Strasburg on January 26, 2011, only a day after Marty’s report.

In his report entitled ‘The protection of witnesses as a cornerstone for justice and reconciliation in the Balkans’ claimed that local newspapers have frequently revealed the identities of protected witnesses, and that “witnesses are seen as traitors by the community where they testify. This discourages witnesses to come forth with their testimonies.

Furthermore, many people don’t believe they have a moral and legal duty to testify over criminal issues," he said in the report.

Monaco CoE also underscored that without international community, no witness could be protected in Kosovo and that Kosovo police do not have enough capacities.


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10. January 2011. 14:50:29

| Ime


There was no facts on the Dick Marty report. Just assumptions. And the witnesses that are supposedly killed are alive and well living in Peja. Please report news not become just a mouth piece for the Serbian propaganda machine Tanjug

10. January 2011. 18:06:12

| Ime


It is unlikely that Marty would spend two years and a lot of resources only to produce a factually unfounded report. Witnesses "alive and well living in Peja"? Hello, the victims were Serbs and there are no Serbs left in Peja. And it is rather obvious that the Serbs were not the ones who profited from "propaganda machines"... Organised crime links of the Kosovo government are nothing new, it is just a matter of crime and corruption in Kosovo no longer being a taboo topic in the reporting of the western media. Welcome to reality and enjoy a taste of your own medicine.

10. January 2011. 18:06:12

| Ime


Everyone knows that D.Marty’s report has no facts and this was setup on purpose just to put Kosovo in wrong side after declaration of independence. This is done by Serbia and they will try to do anything or fine any tiny evidence (even though is not related to this report) just to place Kosovo in this situation.
D.Marty report is absolutely NOT true.
Well, STOP and think for 1min. What Serbia did to Kosovo and as reference, have look the below link which provides an evidence.

10. January 2011. 18:06:12

| Jeff


The "alive and well living" guys, you are referring to, are not the same people mentioned in the reports. Their place of birth, birth dates, and fingerprints are different.

11. January 2011. 07:08:47

| adamnyc


"It is unlikely that Marty would spend two years and a lot of resources only to produce a factually unfounded report."

really? you must not be familiar with political bureaucracy. As it is... it is astounding and quite magical that dick marty could simply drive around with an entourage of well marked COE vehicles... with no official legal authority whatsoever, and without conducting a legal investigation of any kind (his own words) and amazingly mustered up 'evidence' not only contrary to decades of legal investigations by Nato, un, the war crimes tribunal,eluex and even the serb govt have... he has infact been able to derive enough "facts" to implicate thaci by name.


To be clear, He has derived his OPINION based on Mysterious evidience to wich he is utterly silent, and existing material. "existing material" means every single report on a memo on a media report based on milosovic era propaganda is Fair game in his eyes. And counts as evidence?

The serb apologist who commented earlier that said Marty wouldnt produce a "factually unfounded report" is in for a disappointment as that is EXACTLY what marty has done.

The first thing he did was to offer his disclaimer and absolved himself of any credibility and responsibility by confirming his was not an investigative body, has conducted no legal investigation And didnt intend to. He produced nothing but factually unfounded accusations in his report... he suggests that someone else in the international community to Prove it with actual investigations, because as he puts it... its not his job to do so.

Again, he suggests that someone else in the international community prove his "facts". Yeah, that whole immunity thing is a pretty sweet deal.

For a guy who has always been an outspoken political opponent of kosovo, it must have been a satisfying bit of fiction to author.

11. January 2011. 21:54:50

| Ime


Like the first report by Dick Marty, this one also does not basically reveal nothing new.

This things have been a "public secret" for years.

Welcome to reality !


03. October - 09. October 2011.
