Kosovo Serbs call for Ban Ki-moon to revoke blockade measures
26. August 2011. | 14:24
Source: Tanjug
Heads of the municipalities of Leposavic, Kosovska Mitrovica, Zubin Potok and Zvecan underlined that KFOR, instead of fulfilling obligations stipulated by UN SC Resolution 1244, is repressing the Serb community, civilians and wrongly labels the local-self government as criminal elements.
Heads of four Serb municipalities in Kosovo have sent a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon demanding that KFOR and the Pristina authorities immediately revoke all measures and orders which are seriously infringing the Serb community's human rights, freedom of movement and normal life in the northern part of the province.
The letter reads that the KFOR missions overstepped its powers, while UNMIK and EULEX are not exercising their jurisdictions, so the human rights are seriously infringed, and the living and working conditions deteriorated in northern Kosovo, but also in other parts of the province.
Heads of the municipalities of Leposavic, Kosovska Mitrovica, Zubin Potok and Zvecan underlined that KFOR, instead of fulfilling obligations stipulated by UN SC Resolution 1244, is repressing the Serb community, civilians and wrongly labels the local-self government as criminal elements.
Radical repressive measures are being announced which could lead to a new ethnic cleansing of Serbs, while on the other side the actions of old and new Albanian paramilitary forces are being condoned and they are being granted freedom of movement, the letter reads.
Serbs demanded that the UN Security Council and General Assembly deliver a decision which would stipulate the 60-day timeframe for drafting of a strategy and concrete plans for return of 200,000 people to their homes, and thus after 12 years, protect their essential human rights.
The letter was also delivered to Serbian President Boris Tadic, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, a number of ministers and leaders of political parties in Serbia.
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