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First step towards subway

19. November 2011. | 10:00

Source: Tanjug

The representatives of the city of Belgrade and the Serbian and French governments signed on Friday a Letter of Intent on the Belgrade subway project, which represents the beginning of cooperation between the three parties on the realization of the project.

The representatives of the city of Belgrade and the Serbian and French governments signed on Friday a Letter of Intent on the Belgrade subway project, which represents the beginning of cooperation between the three parties on the realization of the project.

The letter was signed by Belgrade Mayor Dragan Djilas, Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic and French Secretary of State for Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry Pierre Lellouche. The signing was also attended by Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic.

France expressed readiness some time ago to allocate about EUR 3 million from the Private Sector Study and Support Fund (FASEP) for the conducting of a feasibility study for the construction of the Belgrade subway.

The study is planned to be carried out by the French company Egis rail, which should complete the job in 15 months, whereas the subway system should be constructed by Alstom transport company, which built over 40 metro systems across the world in 70 years since it was established.

The first metro line should go from Ustanicka to Tvornicka street in the Zemun part of Belgrade, and according to announcements of the city authorities, it should open in 2017.

The second line should go from Banovo brdo in the suburbs to the Law Faculty downtown, and the two lines should connect on the new bridge across the Sava River.

The capacity of carriages is planned to be 600 passengers, which means six people per square meter. However, concrete details on the first line of metro will be known once the feasibility study is completed.


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21. November - 27. November 2011.
