Health Center Dr Ristic
With You and For You since 1994
01. April 2009. | 09:51
Source: EMportal
Policlinic Dr Ristic was founded in 1994. Since the year 2000 it operates in a new, larger space, on the current address Narodnih heroja 38. Continuous growth and development in the recent period has made Dr Ristic dispose with ca 800 m2 of business space, and since July 2006 Health Center operates on a higher level of organization, so we are now HealthCenter Dr Ristic. Today, the Health Center Dr Ristic has 150 permanently employed workers, from which 60 doctors.
In the Health Center Dr Ristic work - 25 specialist cabinets (general medicine,cardiology, dermatology, reumatology,gynecology, neurology, urology, ORL, ultrasound cabinet, ophthalmology, pediatrics, endocrinology....) - Biochemical lab - X ray cabinet - Cabinet for physical medicine and rehabilitation.
Except closing the diagnostics circle in the very Health Center Dr Ristic's units are equipped with all necessary equipment for the patient exams in home conditions. Dr Ristic is available for the patients 24h a day - Field service with two air-conditioned ambulance vehicles which provide patient transport services with the possibility of medical technician or doctor escort ,five automobiles for field service needs and home treatment needs
It is possible to make telephone appointment related to necessary examinations every day (including weekends) from 8AM to 21,30 PM in the policlinic, while medical doctors and technicians on duty are responsible for answering urgent hot line phone non-stop 0-24 h and they can make appointments and organise medical examinations needed for patients at home (medical examinations and interventions at patients' home including patients house care).
Also is available a stationary RTG device, mammography, as well as a orthopan (for face and jaw shooting), eleven ultrasound devices with color Dopplers, three gynecological, three portable, four cardiologic....
Additional diagnostics can be done with five EKG holters and three blood pressure holters. In every ordination there is a EKG device, because EKG is considered to be a necessary part of the exam. Besides this, available is also equipment for ergometry and spirometry, complete neurophysiological equipment (EEG, EMG, evoked potentials), audiometer, vestibulometer and timpanometer in the ear, throat and nose ambulance, as well as complete ophthalmology equipment, and physical therapy equipment.
The laboratory equipment enables a completely automatic process of blood sample, urine processing and setting the values of biochemical analyses, as well as the values of the commonly measured hormones and tumor markers. Quality, accuracy and reliability of the data received in the lab is being tested with Prevecal, the international control system, so that the possibility of error is brought down to a minimum.
A good electronic information system is designed specially for our needs, and it enabled total documentation of patient visits and the forming of electronic health charts for all that, at least once, used our services. This kind of electronic charts provide better communication and cooperation among doctors, as well as a swift insight in the complete disease history of every patient. Via internet, the patient can receive lab results and specialist exam reports.
As EMportal staff has been told by Dr Ristic Staff, "following the world trends in treatment, wanting our patient to have the best, we started the family cart program - Your Family Doctor. The patients can choose their family doctor (general medicine specialist, intern, gynecologist and pediatric) and in that way provide themselves and their family members constant care and the continuity of health surveillance and preventive activity.
Besides the standard exams, we also do systematic exams for companies/organizations, as well as target exams for certain people groups (specific working conditions, stress exposure, etc). There is a possibility of cooperation in the field of preventive activity (vaccination, counseling, recommendations etc). The cooperation can besides from directly, be also done via insurance homes, whom which we have signed contracts. Apart from this, we also do covering of different public events and manifestations."
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