New Kemal wins over old kemalism.
14. September 2010. | 08:25
Author: Dr. Spyros Damtsas
Erdogan triumphs after results on the 12th September referendum gives a comfortable 59% "Evet" votes meaning a clear "yes" to its policy since 2007 and a resounding promise for the 2011 parliamentary elections.
Erdogan triumphs after results on the 12th September referendum gives a comfortable 59% "Evet" votes meaning a clear "yes" to its policy since 2007 and a resounding promise for the 2011 parliamentary elections.
Amendments to the constitution leading to decisive control of the army and the judiciary is putting the old military elite on hold and out of the central power scene.
However, what is revealing as the most important feature in this vote is the synthesis of the Pro- Erdogan voters. It is widely accepted that the prime minister has since his first election in 2002 managed to benefit from the support of three distinct political forces.
The Anatolian masses who represent the social poor part of them emerging in the major urban areas as a dynamic economic factor and represent a bridge to traditional Islamic values, a new business elite which is affiliated in some way directly with PM T.Erdogan and to which can be attributed the recent boost of Turkish economy and finally the Kurdish population representing one fifth of Turkey citizens, that sees in the face of PM the only immediate hope to relax the oppressive measures against them that counts for almost forty thousands deaths for the last thirty years.
The fact that Kurdish voters defied their own party abstention to vote in favor of Erdogan shows the expectations that AKP policies, Erdogan Party, has created to the Kurds.
A political conjuncture favoring a political leader of this magnitude is something rare and valuable to any county s political future and it seems that Erdogan is going to exploit this golden opportunity to reform the state and consolidate its power.
In the best tradition of the despotic, Anatolian but enlighten leadership, Turkey is smoothly bringing out its new Kemal marginalizing old oppressive military kemalism.
Representing a politically matured Islam called to intervene only in what relates to the social cohesion of the vast territorial divide the new Kemal continues the tradition of a strong state which know how to support business and attract foreign investment.
On the other side Kemal Kilicdaroglou albeit its sympathies in the party and the people can not reverse the association of his party to the status quo that dominated Turkey for nearly eighty years. Nevertheless, the fears of the opposition are real.
The concentration of power to AKP and Erdogan s powerful image can put any democratic reform under the control of an authoritarian government. Popularity can be synonymous to the country s development and strengh but not necessarily to democracy.
The Russian paradigm is an undeniable proof of such a possibility. Unfortunately in the aforementioned paradigms, state and country s strength goes hand in hand with memories of old grandeur.
Revival of the old empires and as is the case in Turkey of an illustrious Ottoman past can damage all benefits that Turkey can extract from a contemporary compromise of its social and political contradictions now possible under the unitary power of a visionary leader.
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14. September 2010. 11:28:33
| Ime
despite government initimidation and bribe to make people vote, turnout in Turkey's Kurdistan was as low as 10 cent in most most Kurds boycotted the referandum and said yes to The Kurdish party BDP instead of ruling party AKP