French Cabinet reshuffled
15. November 2010. | 11:49
Source: Tanjug
French president Nicolas Sarkozy has reshuffled the government and put key ministries into hands of his faithful party-members.
French president Nicolas Sarkozy has reshuffled the government and put key ministries into hands of his faithful party-members.
In a statement released by Sarkozy’s cabinet it is said that Francois Fillon will remain on the post of Prime Minister, Forreign Minister will be Michele Alliot-Marie, former Minister of Justice, Reuters reported.
Alain Juppe, who was the PM 1995-1997, was put in charge of the Ministry of Defence.
Budget Minister Eric Woerth Ministar, ensnared in a conflict of interest scandal was not included in the new government.
Christine Lagarde kept the critical post of Economy Minister, and Brice Hortefeu retained his post as interior minister and took on the additional job of immigration minister.
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