Адреса Trg Žrtava Fašizma, Суботица 24000, Србија
St. Florian was a highly ranked soldier in ancient Rome in the early 3rd century. He paid his belief in a new religion with his life. St. Florian is a patron saint of Lintz (Austria) and Krakow (Poland). He is celebrated as the patron saint of firefighters and chimney sweeps. The following words are engraved on it "SV. FLORIJANE, ZAŠTITNIČE NAŠ STRAŠNA OGNJA BRANI NAS! SPOMENIK POSTAVLJEN SAKUPLJANJEM MILODARA I UZ VELIKI NOVČANI DOPRINOS MIHAJLA LAGGLER I SUPRUGE MU KATARINE KATONA 1926." (Cro.)
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