Адреса Đorđa Mihajlovića 10b, Tuzla 75000, Босна и Херцеговина
Телефон +38735258110
Опис Law Office Prnjavorac was established in 1993 and is a full-service law firm based in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Our clients include domestic and foreign banks and other financial institutions, insurance companies, multinational corporations and other legal entities which have access to a team of professional lawyers who can offer legal assistance on all aspects of civil law in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Office provides professional legal assistance and representation in a variety of practice areas including corporate and commercial law and litigation – transactions, enforcement and debt collection, contracts and agreements, civil law, real estate – proceedings and disputes, and administrative law. ADVOKAT / Law Office / Anwalt Prnjavorac
Веб сајт https://advokat-prnjavorac.com/
I would like to thank the Law Office Prnjavorac for helping me getting the necessary birth and marriage certificates from Bosnia on a very short notice. This is my second time relying on their service and they confirmed to be very responsive, competent and fast. Can recommend to anyone in need of help for legal matters i Bosnia.
I needed a quick interpretation from part of the inheritance law. I accidentally came across an e-mail from the Prnjavora law firm. They answered me in 10 minutes very clearly and precisely so that I understood everything. I am extremely satisfied with such an approach to work, it is great professionalism and knowledge of the business which they deal with. I recommend it to anyone who needs any service from the Prnjavorac Law Society.
Great service, very fast response time, professional and knowledgeable staff. Can't go wrong with them for your legal matters.
Highly competent, fast, and efficient. Thanks to their legal services, I received the documents I needed within 2-3 weeks in the most comfortable way arrangeable, it most likely would have taken up to a year if I were to do it by myself . I can only recommend their services.
Сасвим случајно, претрагом на интернет страници пронашли смо адвокатску канцеларију Прњаворац у Босни и Херцеговини. Увидом на њихову web страницу добили смо комплетан, недвосмислен и детаљан увид у њихово пословање, што нас је и навело да се одлучимо за сарадњу. Изузетно смо задовољни што смо баш њих ангажовали и што смо се одлучили за њихове услуге за судски процес. Од самог почетка до краја процеса, адвокатска канцеларија Прњаворац је показала изузетан професионализам. Наша сарадња се одвијала контактом путем е-маил-а, на сва питања одговор смо добили за пар минута, на начин да неко ко није у правном систему може све да разуме. Адвокатски хонорар је више него поштен. За адвокатску канцеларију Прњаворац са сигурношћу могу рећи: професионална, брза и веома љубазна према клијентима. Искрено препоручујемо ове дивне људе свима којима је потребан адвокат у Босни и Херцеговини и још једном им се од срца захваљујемо ! K-EFEKT
The Prnjavorac attorneys really made our real estate purchase easy, and provided us with much needed peace of mind. Their diligence, attention to detail, timeliness, and great communication allowed us to complete our transaction with the knowledge that we would be taken care of. We happily recommend these attorneys and look forward to working with them again!
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