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IMF supports NBS target inflation policy EBRD upgrades forecast for Romania Unions and Prime Minister, talks IMF Mission to meet with bankers Friday Balkan news agencies to meet in Belgrade Albania: Socialists criticise police for political assassination Greece: Acropolis blocked again Djelic opens two-day conference on sustainable development Naftogaz: Ukraine to pay USD 1bn for Russian gas in October Russia, Poland sign protocols on gas agreement Scorpions give last concert in Greece Commission competitiveness overview on Greece EBRD revises projection - FYRMacedonia's economy to rise by 0.8 percent PM Gruevski to meet Fule, Papandreou in Brussels Croatia: Podravka turns down OTP bank's offer Halt in appointment of BiH Anticorruption Agency Director SIPA seize illegal money and gold from Tuzla NLB Bank 6th Sarajevo Wine Festival EP Delegation in Tirana next week EU leaders strive for deal on budget discipline Kosovo-US trade forum kicks off in New York EPS, KfW to sign loan agreement Dinkic to visit Vranje Connecting business registers from 26 European countries Jeremic: Russia endorses Serbia in international arena Serbian Government offers prize for information on Mladic, Hadzic Croatian Parliament voted confidence in Croatian government Romanian opposition announces further struggle against government Germany approves EUR 123 million assistance to Serbia USA grants USD 74,000 to VMA Tadic: Serbia could exit economic crisis in next two years Russia, Serbia agree to speed up realisation of Russian loan

News Archive

EBRD revises projection - FYRMacedonia's economy to rise by 0.8 percent

11:45 11:47 | broj komentara 0 | MIA

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has revised projections on GDP growth in FYRMacedonia for 2010 from 0.5 to 0.8 percent.

Commission competitiveness overview on Greece

11:49 | broj komentara 0 | ANA

Addressing the public finances crisis should alleviate the liquidity problems in the Greek economy in the medium term and restore expectations at a level conducive to growth, according to a European Commission overview of competitiveness in the 27 EU member states that was

Scorpions give last concert in Greece

11:51 | broj komentara 0 | ANA

The veteran rock group Scorpions performed on Wednesday night for the last time in Greece, in the framework of the group's farewell tour entitles “Get your sting and blackout".

Greece: Acropolis blocked again

12:32 | broj komentara 0 | Emg.rs

Contract workers at Greek Ministry of Culture organised another protest at the ancient Acropolis, demanding from government to extend their short-term work agreements.

Albania: Socialists criticise police for political assassination

12:34 | broj komentara 0 | Tanjug

Albanian Interior Minister Lulzim Basha stated in the Parliament that the assassin of Socialist party official is not discovered yet, but that police is doing all in its power to solve the crime.

Balkan news agencies to meet in Belgrade

12:41 | broj komentara 0 | Tanjug

The 19th ABNA General Assembly will be opened by Minister of Culture Nebojsa Bradic. Eight out of ten permanent members have confirmed their attendance: Agerpres (Romania), ANA-MPA (Greece), Anadolu (Turkey), BTA (Bulgaria), CNA (Cyprus), MIA (FYRMacedonia), SRNA (Republika Srpska)

EBRD upgrades forecast for Romania

15:11 | broj komentara 0 | Nine O'Clock

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has upgraded its forecast on the decline of the Romanian GDP this year from 3 per cent to 2 per cent, following the emergence of recovery signs.

Romanian opposition announces further struggle against government

07:46 | broj komentara 0 | Tanjug

Opposition parties in Romania announce they will continue their struggle against present government, although their suggestion to vote non-confidence in Prime Minister Emil Boc did not receive sufficient number of votes in the Parliament.

Croatian Parliament voted confidence in Croatian government

07:47 | broj komentara 0 | Tanjug

Croatian web site “Index.hr” reports that 79 parliament members voted confidence in government, and 62 delegates voted for the change of government.

EP Delegation in Tirana next week

11:07 | broj komentara 0 | Alsat

A delegation of the European Parliament (EP) will visit Albania next week. One of the main issues that will be discussed with the Albanian authorities is fight against corruption.

6th Sarajevo Wine Festival

11:19 | broj komentara 0 | BH Daily News

The 6th Sarajevo Wine Festival takes place from 29 - 30 October 2010 at Dom oruzanih snaga (Army Hall) in Sarajevo.

SIPA seize illegal money and gold from Tuzla NLB Bank

11:20 | broj komentara 0 | BH Daily News

The police operation was conducted on the order of the BiH Court, which will decide on further actions, SIPA said in a statement yesterday.

Halt in appointment of BiH Anticorruption Agency Director

11:23 | broj komentara 0 | BH Daily News

The fact that the BiH Anticorruption Agency has not become fully operational, although a year has passed since the Law on this agency has been adopted, clearly shows how much BiH’s ruling structures are interested in dealing with this burning social issue.

Croatia: Podravka turns down OTP bank's offer

11:37 | broj komentara 0 | RadioNET

Podravka's management board has turned down OTP bank's offer for the purchase of 10.65% of the food company's stock, Podravka said via the Zagreb Stock Exchange on Friday.

PM Gruevski to meet Fule, Papandreou in Brussels

11:40 | broj komentara 0 | MIA

 Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski Friday in Brussels will meet Greek PM George Papandreou. The meeting was initially scheduled for yesterday, but on Greece’s request due to Papandreou’s activities at the European Council’s meeting, it was postponed for Friday


25. October - 31. October 2010.
