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Slobodan Homen appointed government coordinator for public relations

25. March 2011. | 07:40

Source: Tanjug

The Serbian government appointed State Secretary for Justice Slobodan Homen as its coordinator for public relations on Thursday, the government told Tanjug.

The Serbian government appointed State Secretary for Justice Slobodan Homen as its coordinator for public relations on Thursday, the government told Tanjug.

While reshuffling his cabinet, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic announced that more attention would be paid to the presentation of information about the work of executive bodies.

Several legal documents have also been adopted as an additional regulation measure in the domain of media relations and information in the Serbian government.

Elaborating on the implications of the legal acts in a recent statement for Tanjug, head of the government Office for cooperation with the media Milivoje Mihajlovic said that these documents do not limit the communication between any member of the government and representatives of the media.

Mihajlovic underscored that a part of the public has been misinterpreting the legal provisions, and added that not only does the document rule out the possibility for censorship by the executive powers, but it also creates conditions for more trustful attitude of ministers toward the public, the government and the truth.

“This means that members and officials of the government would provide information openly but any potential obstructions, speculations and half-truths will be prevented, which should significantly enhance the Serbian government's communication with the public, strengthen the responsibility of government members in their public addresses, which is in the best interest of truth and democracy,” Mihajlovic explained.

According to the government announcement, Homen will continue to perform his office as State Secretary for Justice.

Homen announces Serbian government will become more open to media

Serbian State Secretary for Justice Slobodan Homen, who was appointed on Thursday as the government coordinator for public relations, assessed that the decision is aimed at making the government more open to the public.

The government has taken a lot of positive steps which did not get adequate media coverage, while some other negative moves found their way to the media and were met with objections, Homen told Tanjug, and added that such oversights can be put right only if the government becomes completely open in its relations with the public.

He said that members of the government will not be limited in their appearances before the media and pointed out that they have both the right and the obligation to it.

Homen announced that one of the first steps he will take as the new coordinator would be to reinstate regular press conferences of the Serbian government.

Homen will continue to perform his office as State Secretary for Justice.


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21. March - 27. March 2011.
