Russian Presidential Election
Putin’s comeback and “New World Order”
01. March 2012. | 15:13 08:04
Source: Emg.rs
Author: George Protopapas
The presidential elections on March 4 indicates prime- minister Vladimir Putin’s comeback as the supreme leader of the nation and his return as a head of state to the international diplomacy in order to establish a “New World Order’’, serving the global geopolitical policies of Russia.
The presidential elections on March 4 indicates prime- minister Vladimir Putin’s comeback as the supreme leader of the nation and his return as a head of state to the international diplomacy in order to establish a “New World Order’’, serving the global geopolitical policies of Russia.
Putin is expected to be elected new president in spite of the fact that the anti-governmental rallies in Moscow and other cities have wounded at a large extent his popularity.
However, the failure of the opposition to find a commonly supported leader and the absence of dynamic independent political forces are considered unsurpassed problems. On the contrary, Putin is a leader with significant political experience and he has proved that he can manage difficult situation on internal and external levels.
Anti- Putin movements
The results parliamentary elections (December) provoked a strong reaction of large parts of the society that put an end to Putin reputation as undisputed national leader. The numerous anti- governmental rallies have divulged, according to Russian Beyond The Headlines, a deep divide in society.
The organisers assert that the core of demonstrators is member of a new middle class who are disappointed with the autocratic powers and desire more democratic political system.
In parallel the outbreak of citizens against to political establishment, according to Deutsche Welle, is of great importance because: a) for the first time thousand Russian citizens claim openly their rights and a new group has been emerged: the called civil society, b) the demonstrations showed the power of Internet as an effective tool to mobilize the masses. The government cannot control the social media, c) the protests in cities means that Kremlin has lack of methods to mitigate the anti-governmental reactions.
Five candidates
The presidential elections include five candidates and the opposition hopes for a second round that would be considered as a great success and a powerful message towards the ruling elite.
The prime- minister Putin fears that a second round could damage seriously his profile. He has stated that a second round could provoke political destabilisation of the country. According to Associated Press, Lev Gudkov, the chief of poll company Levada Center stated that the latest data showed that Putin could win up to 66% of the votes in the first round.
Putin needs to win more than 50% of the vote to avoid a second round. The other candidates seem incapable to contend with Putin’s political legacy and power. According to Open Diplomacy’s article with title “After Putin, Who?” there is “a couple of dinosaurs from the 1990s, on the home straight of their political careers, who have spent the last decade sustaining the illusion of a political opposition and inevitably coming second and third in the popularity stakes – the Communist leader Gennady Zyuganov and the head of the ultra-right Liberal Democratic Party of Russia, Vladimir Zhirinovsky”.
The list of participants completes: the independent candidate and billionaire Mikhail Prokhorov who began his political carrier last year and Sergey Mironov candidate of Fair Russia Party and former speaker of the upper house of parliament.
Next day
The expected election of Putin in the presidency of Russia is going to influence the internal and external policies. If Putin win the elections must increase his popularity rates acknowledging the anxieties of the new middle class of “smart phones- Dolce & Cabana” for more democratic political system.
The new president must bridge the gap between his supporters – those who profited from the current political system- and the newer elite – owners of successful small and medium businesses, investors, users of Internet- who demands radical political changes.
Putin as the head of state will define Russia’s stance in the world politics. He will seek to establish a “New World Order’’ to meet the current geopolitical realities.
According to Russia Profile’s analysis with title “Russia and the Changing World”, the prime- minister in his latest article in newspaper Moskovskie Novosti reveals his doctrine “lambasting the West for its aggressive role in the Arab Spring and promoting regime change abroad.
He calls on the BRIC countries to unite in balancing Western political influence, but maintains that Russia can be a partner to the West as long as its interests are given fair consideration”. On the contrary the liberal outgoing president Dmitri Medvedev does not seek the confrontation with US and he adopted more conciliatory policy during his presidency.
Putin’s return as president will not be necessarily considered as an indication for the beginning of a new Cold War between Russia and US. His article could be interpreted as a warning message towards the West. Putin makes clear that he will protect the national sovereignty against the Western interventionism.
As well as, he enunciates his anxieties for West interference in local affairs presenting the paradigm of “Arab Spring’’ in Middle East and North Africa.
The prime-minister is known for his distrust towards the Washington and its unilateral policies on the world stage and he wants Russia to be an equivalent partner on the decision-making of global affairs.
*George Protopapas is a Media Analyst of the Athens based Research Institute for European and American Studies (RIEAS)
Comments (2)
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01. March 2012. 07:20:41
| ari
If Russia wishes to be respected, it must stand up to Washington's transgressions. Being more liberal does not mean you let Washington walk all over you. Washington is a serial abuser of all forms of methods and technology. It has lost its moral bearings.
01. March 2012. 12:40:23
| Ime
Dam if only we all no about this.but some will not chose to walk in the light and lead them selfs to the progress.