Water contamination from incident in Hungary may reach Bulgarian section of River Danube at earliest after 7 days
06. October 2010. | 12:15
Source: Focus News Agency
The state agency for maintenance and research of the River Danube has announced that it is possible for the water contamination from the incident in the Hungarian aluminum factory to reach the Bulgarian section of the River Danube after 7 days.
The state agency for maintenance and research of the River Danube has announced that it is possible for the water contamination from the incident in the Hungarian aluminum factory to reach the Bulgarian section of the River Danube after 7 days.
It is expected for the contamination to be highly reduced because river waters pass through the hydro-energy point Iron Gate which is some 10km before the Bulgarian section.
Despite the low concentration of contamination and the low risk, the mayors of towns, along the river as well as the Coast Guard and the Civil Guard have been duly informed for the minimal risk. There are devices installed ready to monitor the water of the river.
About 1 million cubic meters of mud from the tailings in Icahn have poured in Hungary in ecological disaster. That is what Daniel Popov from the Information Center for Environmental Education said to Focus News Agency.
He explained that one of the very deleterious effects of this catastrophe is high levels of pH. "It is over 13 and is very active. They tried to neutralize it by pouring acid into the river.
This pH that causes burns can be reduced to a certain degree. But there is something more serious and it is the presence of heavy metals - lead, cadmium, arsenic and chromium.
These are the data from our colleagues in Hungary at this stage," the environmentalist said.
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