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Romanian Film Festival in Berlin

18. December 2010. | 07:29

Source: Agerpres

The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) "Titu Maiorescu" in Berlin organizes between December 16-22, for the first time in Germany, a Romanian film festival entitled "Rekonstruktion. Filmland Rumänien", with the program simultaneously conducted in three cities: Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgart.

The Romanian Cultural Institute (ICR) "Titu Maiorescu" in Berlin organizes between December 16-22, for the first time in Germany, a Romanian film festival entitled "Rekonstruktion. Filmland Rumänien", with the program simultaneously conducted in three cities: Berlin, Hamburg and Stuttgart.

The festival features "new wave" films appreciated at international level, including the award-winning "4 Months, 3 Weeks and 2 Days" by Cristian Mungiu, the film that has obtained the debut award of the Berlinale 2010 - "If I want to whistle, whistle ", by Florin Serban, and" Tuesday after Christmas "by Radu Muntean, presented this year at the Festival in Cannes.

With movies like "Meanders", "Stone Wedding" "100 lei", or "Beyond the bridge," the Romanian filmmakers have made in 1960-1970 masterpieces that can be easily compared to those of Italian and French cinema of the time. With the "Reconstruction" by Lucian Pintilie there was the guarantee that Romania would not only survive the totalitarian regime, but would also find a way to its own cinematography.

The young Romanian directors grab the attention of spectators present in the major film festivals around the world, Berlin-based ICR highlights in a press release. Cristian Mungiu, Cristi Puiu, Corneliu Porumboiu, Radu Muntean meanwhile produced several films and contributed to a bold contemporary cinema, which carries an important message.

The official opening will take place in Berlin on December 16, at 7:00 p.m., at Zeughauskino theater, in the presence of Dr. h.c. Susanne Kastner, President of the German-Romanian Forum, and Dieter Kosslick, Director of the International Film Festival in Berlin.

On this occasion Adrian Sitaru short film "The Cage" will be screened, in the presence of the director, as well as the feature film "Tuesday after Christmas," directed by Radu Muntean. The screening is to be followed by a cocktail offered by the German-Romanian Forum in Berlin.


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