'With Tray in Hand' race draws 200 waiters competing from all over Europe
30. May 2011. | 15:04
Source: ANA
Contestants from 40 European countries vied for the title of fastest and steadiest waiter in the international "With Tray in Hand" race from the Archaeological Museum on Athens' central Patission street to the Acropolis.
More than 200 waiters from all over Europe competed on Sunday in a novel race against time...and gravity!
Contestants from 40 European countries vied for the title of fastest and steadiest waiter in the international "With Tray in Hand" race from the Archaeological Museum on Athens' central Patission street to the Acropolis.
The competing waiters set off at 10:00 in the morning from outside the Archaeological Museum, and quickly covered the distance along Stadiou, Filellinon and Vassilissis Amalias streets to the finish line at the Dionyssiou Areopagitou pedestrian walk at the foot of the Acropolis, all carrying a tray holding a bottle and four glasses.
The best and fastest were awarded, while spectators were treated to a concert and other artistic happenings after the race.
The contest was held under the aegis of the Greek ministry of culture and tourism, the Greek national tourism organisation (GNTO), the City of Athens and the association of Plaka shop owners.
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