Buehler says special units withdrew, regular policemen at checkpoints
27. July 2011. | 18:12
Source: Tanjug
KFOR Commander Erhard Buehler has stated at the Jarinje administrative crossing that Kosovo police special units ROSU withdrew from northern Kosovo, adding that regular policemen of both Serbian and Albanian nationality are present at the administrative crossing.
KFOR Commander Erhard Buehler has stated at the Jarinje administrative crossing that Kosovo police special units ROSU withdrew from northern Kosovo, adding that regular policemen of both Serbian and Albanian nationality are present at the administrative crossing.
He underlined that KFOR only transported regular police officers to the crossings, and not members of ROSU.
Nationality is of no consequence for me. We (KFOR) transported police officers to administrative crossings for protection. Those are police officers of both Serbian and Albanian nationality, from north as well as from other parts of Kosovo. If you ask me, there is only one police, according to Resolution 1244. There is no Albanian or Serbian police, but only one, he said after the meeting with head of the Belgrade team for the dialogue with Pristina Borislav Stefanovic and Serbian Minister for Kosovo-Metohija Goran Bogdanovic.
Buehler said that no one should feel threatened by KFOR, as KFOR's impartiality is guaranteed.
I have to appeal to everyone not to obstruct the work of KFOR. I do not say this without reason, because a KFOR helicopter was fired at this morning, Buehler said, without giving details about the incident.
Buehler said he welcomed the removal of the road block on the part of the politically responsible in Zvecan.
Expressing regret over the death of a ROSU special forces squad member, he stressed the importance of preventing violence and maintaining peace and order.
I expect those who are politically responsible for the crime to help find the perpetrators. I would like to ask all citizens to remain calm and work with us to maintain peace, he said.
Buehler also said he got several proposals from Borislav Stefanovic, but that his job, as the KFOR commander, was to keep peace and order.
Unfortunately, there are still roadblocks in some places, so the agreement reached yesterday has not been fully implemented. I admit everyone is trying to resolve the situation and keep it from escalating. I welcome that, he said.
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