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Wikileaks should not influence US-Albanian relations

01. December 2010. | 05:34

Source: Balkaninsight, Alsat

Even though they agree on the fact that WikiLeaks won’t damage relations with US, majority and the opposition have a different opinion in relation to the issue of Greece.

While the leak of thousands of classified US embassy cables has shocked the world, it may help Albania uncover details about the role its neighbours have played in the country in the past, especially during the massive unrest in 1997.

Referring to the 822 leaked US embassy cables related to Tirana, noted Albanian historian Sabri Godo, a former politician and one of the authors of the country's constitution, thinks that Albanians may finally learn the details of the unrest in 1997 that was sparked by the failure of Ponzi schemes and led to anarchy and violence in the country.

Even though they agree on the fact that WikiLeaks won’t damage relations with US, majority and the opposition have a different opinion in relation to the issue of Greece.

"The events of 1996 could not have taken on such significance if it were not for foreign support. But the details on how this was possible are not yet clear. Nevertheless, they belong to the past and they should not have any influence on current relations. But of course, we should take notes,” Godo said.

According to Socialist Deputy Ilir Gjoni, the country should revise its relations with the Helen country if the documents prove its intervention in our domestic issues.

Meanwhile, Democrat Deputy Edi Paloka thinks that every diplomatic move should come after this documentation has been completely proven.

“We will analyze this documentation in order to better understand our relations with Greece and every other country. Of course, the main purpose of this work will be to focus on our national interests. It is a good thing that public opinion is being given these documents, which have actually happened secretly and for which we were not aware,” said Gjoni.

“Firstly, we should analyze these documents and prove they are true. Their truth is still dubious,” said Paloka.

Meanwhile, Ilir Gjoni thinks that the publication of US secret documents should raise the alarm for the Albanian government.

“Funds for the Intelligence Service have been few, and for its staff it was impossible to exercise their duty and carry their missions. WikiLeaks phenomenon is another alarm bell, for which the government should immediately react,” said Gjoni.

Meanwhile, Democrat Deputy Edi Paloka thinks that if US diplomacy in Tirana has had its subjective opinion on the Albanian politics, this should not influence relations with US.

“Even if an US diplomat has a negative opinion, relations between Albania and US won’t change,” said Paloka.

“I am convinced of one thing… during that time, we certainly had foreign intervention. Things were not organised only from the inside.


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01. December 2010. 09:41:10

| Nice


It is time to find out what happened in 1997, Greece is the tip of the iceberg, I am more convinced that Italy and Serbia had something to do with it. They have always been an ungrateful nation towards Albania and pro-Serbian, even-though we have given the Romans and later the Italians countless figures that have shaped their identity and made them the great empire and nation that they are. Greece does not have the leverage and sophistication to do this alone.

01. December 2010. 10:56:58

| Ime


Sekreti i Shtetit duhet te jet i tije! Por ky i pari duhet te vnoj ne dijeni njeheremir popullin e tij, ne lidhje me shkatrrimin total qe psoj Shqipria ne 1997. Dhe te shpjegohet mir arsyeja, nese ky kaos u krijue per te shkatrrue mundsit e nimes qe shteti Am (Nen) duhet ti jepte gjymtyres se saje , Kosoves, apo te kundertetn. Mjafton te kthehemi pas ne kohe, dhe e kuptojm rrolin e popujve fqinj!!! Por kemi te bejme edhe me nje klas politike Shqiptare te Shqipris, ku kemi me doemos nje pjes te konsideruar Shqipfolsish, te cilet nuk besoj se len mas doret gjakun e tyre i cili aksidentalisht shumicen e rasteve esht Turk, Grek apo Sllav. Anmiqt kryesor te gjitha kombet ne kohet e veshtira i kan pas brenda sistemve te tyre! Le te shpresojm se kta te shtetit tone nuk perbejn shumicen e Elites Shqiptare.

01. December 2010. 12:05:43

| Ime


"According to Socialist Deputy Ilir Gjoni, the country should revise its relations with the Helen country if the documents prove its intervention in our domestic issues."

Maybe also, they should consider the option of thousands of Albanians who leave in Greece, to go back in Albania!

01. December 2010. 15:43:34

| Ime


I doesnt matter who was the outsider.. one thing is sure.. in '97 albanian killed albanian..

Nuk ka rendesi kush ishte faktori i jashtem. Le te kete qene Italia, Greqia, Serbia... crendesi ka... ata qe kane perjetuar dhe kane qene deshmitar te '97 e dine shume mire qe shqiptaret palckiten shpite dhe bizneset e vellezerve te tyre. Per me teper vrane bashkombasit e tyre.. e cfaj duhet it ve une FAKTORIT te jashtem... Nuk pash italian apo grek me kallash ne dore... Prandaj duhet ta shohim fajin tek vetja, tek politika jone...

01. December 2010. 15:44:26

| Ime


e kush do ma perkthej kete mua qe ka shkruajtur keto per 97

01. December 2010. 16:04:01

| Ime


mocht het zo zijn dat iemand van buitenaf,zo iets veroorzaakt heeft moet niet denken dat die ongestraft vandoor kan gaan.Albanie zal de twede israil van de ballkan zijn

01. December 2010. 16:04:11

| Ime


"Maybe also, they should consider the option of thousands of Albanians who leave in Greece, to go back in Albania!"

Yes and maybe they should consider to get Chameria back !

01. December 2010. 16:30:47

| Ime



01. December 2010. 16:33:53

| albanianboylondon


evry country has his own problems albania is great country but we dont have the govermment to support his people all he does is steal steal steal all the diplomats are thiefs i feel sory for my own ppl the govermment sold our land to greeks serbs etc even now they are tryein to sale the sea to greeks this is bullshit an what happen in 1997 it was all about kosovo so kosovo had no guns to fight back with serbs this is my opinion and im sure america has to do with this aswell they maybe told our govermment to make the first move so they can get on it america helps you if they get what they need an they got what they wanted from us

01. December 2010. 19:22:04

| tironci


gjithcka mbi 1997 duhet te dale ne drite.Ai vit eshte me i erreti ne historine tone


20. December - 26. December 2010.
