Presidental election called for May 6 | Romania ratifies SAA with Serbia | Albanian hooligans attack Serbs in Gracanica | Greece: Church-supported free clinic sees 600 patients in first month, 70 pct Greeks | Greece: State debt to private sector up to 6.32 bln euros in Feb | Greece shocked by pensioner's suicide in Syntagma Square | Macedonian Telekom to distribute EUR 100 million in dividends, Government gets EUR 38 million | Advanced explosive device detector made in Russia | Worsening European conditions threaten Romania's economic recovery | Minister Komadina resigns for health reasons | American's buy Zagreb Breweries | Turkey pours BGN 12 mln to build largest mosque in Bulgaria | Five new Bulgarian visa centers to open in Russia | Highest salaries in FBiH, lowest in Brcko district BiH | PM Berisha receives Mayor of Thessaloniki Yiannis Boutaris | INVITALIA President Botti expresses to PM Berisha an interest in investing in Albania | Two US funds take over East Point holding group | Water supply contract for 6 towns in Serbia signed | Special prosecutor remanded to 30 days in custody | Dick Marty to testify in Medicus case | Indictment issued for Kolubara case | Faster internet for whole Serbia | Tadic: Stable political environment necessary for negotiations with EU |