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Poll: Macedonians wish for NATO, EU membership, but refuse changing of their country's name

17. November 2010. | 07:26

Source: MIA

FYR Macedonia's accession to NATO and the European Union enjoys the support of 79,8 percent of the citizens, with 62,6 percent being against the change of the country's name, shows a poll of the Institute for Political Research, conducted on November 12-15 on a sample of 1,111 respondents.

FYR Macedonia's accession to NATO and the European Union enjoys the support of 79,8 percent of the citizens, with 62,6 percent being against the change of the country's name, shows a poll of the Institute for Political Research, conducted on November 12-15 on a sample of 1,111 respondents.

30,7 percent would vote at a referendum in favor of amending the country's name for NATO, EU membership. 37,2 percent would vote for such move at a referendum on name proposal, supported by all parliamentary parties, against 53,2 percent.

A total of 46,6 percent considered the European Commission's Report on Macedonia's progress towards EU membership as positive, 28,4 as negative, while 25,4 had no answer.

The party ratings again put ruling VMRO-DPMNE on the top, with 23 percent of supporters, followed by opposition SDSM - 11%, ruling coalition partner DUI - 6,5, and opposition DPA - 2,9 percent.

Incumbent PM Nikola Gruevski still tops the list of most popular politicians, enjoying the support of 23,5 percent. Opposition leader Branko Crvenkovski's rating is at 9,2 percent, followed by Ali Ahmeti - 6,8 percent; Menduh Tachi - 3,4; and Imer Selmani - 2,3 percent.


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17. November 2010. 21:40:07

| Peter


Greeces aim is to wipeout Macedonias identity.Greece cannot be allowed to succeed at any cost.EU and NATO are not worth our identity.If Greece wants to change their identity,they may do so with our blessing as they did conteplated in 1856.Will it be Alvanoturkia or Vlahoturkia,we will recognise them right away,their choice.Our choice for our identity remains Macedonian.

18. November 2010. 09:56:38

| PM


Good to see that the Fyrom population want to delay an agreement - which is what the poll means.
In the end, the Albanian people in FYROM will join Albania and the Bulgarian(Western) people will join Bulgaria.

18. November 2010. 19:19:48

| Macedonia


FYROM nationalists are basically ethnic Bulgarians that had their Macedonian-Bulgarian identities wiped out by communist Yugoslavia. It's unfortunate nationalist extremist Gruevski seems to want to continue cold war games rather than peacefully resolve his country's identity issues to improve relations with neighbours (especially Greeks and Bulgarians whose history Gruevski openly steals as if history is a coloring book to be filled in by him).

His recent bizarre attempt to rebrand himself into an "ancient Macedonian" and portray Macedonia Greece as "occupied" continues to threaten the stability of the Balkans. (e.g. building a giant Alexander statue, renaming Airports streets Alexander or Philip...etc)

Having its identity based on fabricated history makes FYROM inherently unstable. Ancient Macedonian artifacts, written almost entirely in Koine and Attic Greek, continue to show they identified with Hellenism. Middle age artifacts (like Tsar Samuel) continue to show the people in what is today's FYROM identified as "ethnic Bulgarians" not "ethnic Macedonians". No amount of recognition will ever change the historical facts.

FYROM, much like Yugoslavia, is a failed state in the making. Sooner or later it will end up partitioned (most likely between Bulgaria and Albania) when sensible FYROM citizens finally finally get fed up of the chauvinist shenanigans of ultra nationalists like Gruevski.


22. November - 28. November 2010.
