Blast outside Greek embassy in Buenos Aires | Warlick: Strong support to Serbia | Commission welcomes new EU standards for common mobile phone charger | Emil Boc: Romania comes out of recession in 2011 | Romania: Week to start on Sunday, in 2011 Orthodox Calendar | Panasonic to launch production in Serbia in 2011 | Athens Academy awards | Greece: Public sector payroll cut | Renovated Pedio tou Areos park delivered to Athenians | Electricity price unchanged, heating increases by 3.63 percent | Greece decided to stop subsidizing its businessmen that work in FYRMacedonia | Croatian Parliament approves new ministers and deputy prime ministers | Croatia is richest EU candidate | GERB has all chances to win Presidential elections, survey | Twenty persons arrested in organized crime raid | Petronijevic: Customs bring in RSD 285 billion in 2010 | Romania cuts public administration by 120 thousand employees | Dinkic denies making false claims to help Tadic win election | DHSS leader Vladan Batic dies | Government settles dispute with Israeli ImageSat | Hypo-Garant and DDOR Penzija plus VPF Management Companies get a merger license | GDP in third quarter 2010 up 2.7% in real terms | January-November foreign trade $23,968.2mln | Industrial output in January–November goes up | Overall economic activity in 2010 up 1.5% | Dacic to visit antiterrorist unit | Serbia's foreign trade deficit down by 9.7% | Government adopts action plan on recommendations from European Commission’s 2010 progress report | Only eight states recognized Kosovo's independence in 2010 | Athens: Powerful explosion at Court buildings |
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0 | Tanjug
Warlick said that the U.S. and Serbia have the same goals regarding Serbia's future, adding that this was proved by a recent visit of U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Belgrade and numerous other important visits of officials of the State Department, the Defence Ministry
08:37 | 0 | Tanjug
Kosovo Deputy Foreign Minister Vlora Citaku said on Dec. 28 that Dick Marty's report would negatively affect Kosovo's admission to the Council of Europe and its efforts to garner recognition for its independence, which she described as unsuccessful.
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The cabinet yesterday adopted an action plan to meet the recommendations from the European Commission’s 2010 progress report to accelerate the receiving of a candidate status for EU membership.
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Director of the Serbian Statistical Office Dragan Vukmirovic stated that the total foreign trade deficit in the period January–November 2010 was reduced by 9.7% and stood at $6,302.2 million.
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Members of the Antiterrorism Unit (PTJ) will mark the end of this year at 11.00 on 30 December in the unit’s base, Barajevski put bb, Lipovica.
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By sectors, the largest growth rate was in the sectors of transport, storage and communications, financial mediation and industry. The greatest GDP drop was recorded in the construction sector, agriculture, hotel and restaurant sector, public sector and services sector.
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By sectors, November 2010 recorded a fall in the production and distribution of electricity, gas and water (11.4%), but also an increase in ore and stone mining (4%) and the processing industry (2.1%), against November 2009.
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The Serbian Statistical Office said that the foreign trade in the period January–November 2010 amounted to $23,968.2 million, an 8.1% jump on a year earlier.
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By activities, the largest growth was noted in the financial mediation sector 8.7%, transportation 7.4%, ore and stone mining 6.2%, trade 6.2% and the processing industry 5%.
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The two companies, where Hypo-Garant is the acquiring company, will be merged and will henceforth operate under the name DDOR-Garant. The merger of pension funds will follow thereafter.
08:59 | 0 | Tanjug
An agreement had finally been reached between Serbia and ImageSat International N.V., according to which EUR 27.85 million would be allocated from the budget as a settlement for the “harmful and illegal agreement” signed by the former defense minister of Serbia and
09:04 | 1 | Tanjug
President of the Democratic Christian Party of Serbia and member of the Serbian parliament Vladan Batic died Wednesday after a long illness, it was announced at the parliament.
09:06 | 0 | Tanjug
Serbia's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Mladjan Dinkic denied Wednesday that he had helped Boris Tadic win the presidential election by falsely promising the people EUR 1,000 each from free shares of government companies, which was published December 27 by the
10:49 | 0 |, Tanjug
The 2,250 square meter factory has been completed, the machines installed, and 65 workers employed, Deputy President of the Svilajnac municipality Predrag Milanovic told Tanjug.The investment amount in the financial year 2010 is approximately EUR 580.000, and the capital of
09:12 | 0 | Tanjug
The Serbian Customs Administration brought in RSD 285 billion worth of budget revenue (EUR 1 = RSD 106) in 2010 by collecting duties and value-added tax on imported goods, which is 14.5 percent more than the sum raised last year, Director of the Customs Administration Predrag