Montenegro: Press conference on 200 Days of new Government
01. August 2011. | 07:59
Source: Emg.rs
Below is a breakdown of the most important points made by Prime Minister Igor Lukšić at a press conference marking the first 200 days of his government.
Below is a breakdown of the most important points made by Prime Minister Igor Lukšić at a press conference marking the first 200 days of his government.
EU and NATO integration
“By putting our best efforts into meeting the seven key recommendations from the European Commission Opinion we have proven that we know how to make the best use of our existing administrative capacity, while working diligently to develop it further in order to prepare for the next phases of integration.
Owing to our administrative capacity, in less than six full months, the Government has managed to draft, in accordance with the Action Plan, over 20 bills in the areas of state administration, rule of law, corruption and organised crime, media, civil society and human rights, and a number of strategic documents and analyses.
This entire process has been characterised by a high level of transparency and inclusiveness. All this has contributed to the adoption of good laws and strategic documents in accordance with the EU standards and the interests of the Montenegrin society, which was also confirmed at the third consultative meeting with the European Commission experts.
The real measure of success in the time to come will be the consistent implementation [of these documents].
Measures and activities that have been achieved, including tangible results from the fight against corruption and organised crime, testify to our commitment to fulfilling the Action Plan. The adoption of the Election Law is an imperative for completing the Action Plan tasks, as is the European Commission Annual Report on [Montenegro’s] progress on the basis of which the Commission would recommend to the European Council to open the accession negotiations between the EU and Montenegro.
As concerns integration into the Euro-Atlantic structures, I will reiterate that the first Annual National Programme under MAP received a favourable assessment by the Alliance officials and that this favourable assessment marked the closure of the first cycle of MAP. ... We have continued to contribute to regional and global security and stability through our involvement in the ISAF mission in Afghanistan.
In chairing regional initiatives, which represented both a challenge and an opportunity for Montenegro, we have made crucial political advancements.”
Domestic policy
“I will reiterate that in late June 2011 the Law amending the Criminal Code was adopted and that, in addition to de-criminalising defamation, it defines the offering and receiving of bribes as criminal acts.
The Special Investigation Team has been formed as part of the Unit for Combating Organised Crime, Corruption, Terrorism and War Crimes. This team, headed by the Special Prosecutor, is a multi-disciplinary unit dealing with the most complex cases concerning organised crime and corruption and undertaking financial investigations.”
“As concerns the economic situation, I will highlight the continued trend of economic growth which took off in the second half of 2010. The estimates are that the growth in the first half of 2011 is close to projections – at 2.5%.
The period from January to May saw the growth of 16.5% in retail turnover, whereas the agriculture turnover saw a growth as big as 41.7% and the construction sectors of notable 18, 1%.
The inflation in Montenegro has been stabilised at 3.6% in retail prices and 1.9% in production costs, in part owing to the proactive approach of the Government.
Foreign trade has grown by 17.6% compared to the same period last year, whereas the export grew by half compared to the first half of 2010 and the import grew by 11.5%.”
Business environment
“We have made administrative procedures simpler and more efficient in order to advance the business environment and make it more attractive for investors.
In only seven months, we amended 11 laws, we consolidated the entire company registration process – we established the “one-stop shop” principle and reduced the number of procedures for issuing construction permits from 14 to 2.
The Law on Amendments to the Law on Employment and Work of Foreigners has been adopted and it significantly simplifies procedures for employment of foreigners, who are often perceived as business barriers by employers. The Law also allows internally displaced persons with working ID to have equal access to the labour market as the Montenegrin citizens.”
“The preliminary data about the number of registered tourists being 8% higher than last year, accounting for around 1.6 million overnight stays, or 6% more than in the same six-month period, suggest that the early season is more successful than last year.
During the first six months of 2011, the total revenue from tourism is estimated at EUR 124.3 million, about 6.6% more compared to the same period in 2010.
We are making intensive efforts aimed at bringing low-cost airlines to the Montenegrin market, which will have a positive impact on increasing tourism, the total air traffic and extending the tourist season.”
“We have a very demanding agenda ahead. In the coming months, by engaging all available resources and with an energetic and dedicated approach of the Government and all other social stakeholders, no matter the circumstances and challenges that may face us, we will go forward to ensure for all citizens a better quality of life, which is the goal of all our policies.”
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