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Dinar exchange rate to remain unchanged

26. March 2012. | 09:37

Source: Tanjug

 The Serbian dinar's exchange rate will remain unchanged Monday, with the official middle exchange rate at RSD 111.0852 to the euro, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) has said in a release.

 The Serbian dinar's exchange rate will remain unchanged Monday, with the official middle exchange rate at RSD 111.0852 to the euro, the National Bank of Serbia (NBS) has said in a release.

Since the beginning of the year, the central bank has sold EUR 368.5 million on the inter-bank foreign exchange market in order to ease the excessive daily volatility of the exchange rate.

The dinar hit its historic low against the hard currency on March 22, with the middle exchange rate set at RSD 111.0888 per one euro, while being in its strongest position on January 11, at RSD 103.6922 per one euro.

Compared to last month, the domestic currency will weaken by 1.6 percent, while it will drop by 6.8 percent on a year-to-year level.

On Friday, the indicative dinar-versus-dollar exchange rate was set at RSD 83.6800 to the U.S. dollar and was by 0.6 percent stronger than on the previous day.

Compared to a month ago, the dinar dropped against the dollar by 2.2 percent, while weakening by 12.7 percent relative to the previous year.


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26. March - 01. April 2012.
