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Greece: Polls show continuing Syriza-ND ballot battle

27. May 2012. | 06:54

Source: Athensnews.gr

Two new opinion polls show conflicting results regarding voters' preferences for the New Democracy (ND) party and the Radical Left Coalition (Syriza).

Two new opinion polls show conflicting results regarding voters' preferences for the New Democracy (ND) party and the Radical Left Coalition (Syriza).

The two parties continue to appear as the main contenders for the parliamentary top spot, but polls still cannot agree as to which side has the essential lead, that will eventually grant the 50 seat bonus after the elections and finally open the doors to the formation of a much needed government.

The poll by VPRC for the Kontra television channel shows Syriza leading with 28.5 percent of respondents' preferences, followed by ND with 26, Pasok 12.5, Independent Greeks 7, Democratic Left 7, Golden Dawn 5.5, Communist Party (KKE) 5 and Recreate Greece/Drassi, just making the 3 percent limit needed to enter Greek parliament.

The Ecologists-Greens are still no nearer to enetering parliament with 2%, so too ANTARSYA with 1%, while George Karatzaferis and his Laos party are almost off the electional map completely with disastrous 0.5 percentage.

The VPRC poll was adjusted to show what share of the vote the parties could expect to receive on election day.

The Rass/Metro poll, on the other hand, was of voter intention and includes abstention rates and don't knows. It has ND leading with 23.6 percent, followed by Syriza with 21.4, Pasok 13.1, Independent Greeks 5.8, KKE 4.8, Golden Dawn 3.8, Democratic Left 6.2 and Recreate Greece/Drassi not making the minimum parlaimentary percentage at 2.4.

Another four polls are expected on Sunday, although speculation as to how trustworthy they are, is increasingly becoming a topic of interest in the media.


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