Kosmet Serbs celebrate Easter in Kosovo-Metohija
15. April 2012. | 16:21 16:29
Source: Emg.rs, Tanjug, Radio Serbia
Around 100 believers visited the St. Sava Cathedral in southern Kosovska Mitrovica which was damaged in the riots back in March 2004. Accompanied with the Kosovo police, Serbs went on two buses from the northern to the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and returned after the short service held there in the temple of St. Sava.
Orthodox believers in Kosovo-Metohija celebrated Easter in their local churches and temples.
The liturgy in the Church of St. Demetrios in Kosovska Mitrovica was served byBishop Teodosije of the Diocese of Raska and Prizren.
Bishop Teodosije read out the Easter epistle sent by Patriarch Irinej and the service was attended by Serbian Minister for Kosovo-Metohija Goran Bogdanovic.
Around 100 believers visited the St. Sava Cathedral in southern Kosovska Mitrovica which was damaged in the riots back in March 2004.
Accompanied with the Kosovo police, Serbs went on two buses from the northern to the southern part of Kosovska Mitrovica and returned after the short service held there in the temple of St. Sava.
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