10:27 | 0 | ANA
Greece's two main parties are head to head in voter preferences while their combined share of the vote is less than 50 percent, according to the results of opinion polls appearing in Greek Sunday newspapers.
10:26 | 0 | ANA
Alternate Foreign Minister Mariliza Xenoyiannakopoulou on Saturday had a meeting with Greek MEPs in order to prepare them in view of upcoming negotiations for the European Union's new budget framework after 2013.
10:22 | 0 | ANA
Twenty-six beaches in Hania prefecture, on Crete, have been awarded the "Blue Flag" distinction this year, the Greek Society for the Protection of Nature announced on Thursday.
10:00 | 11 | MIA
"Macedonia is a perfect example. Whenever I meet with the Macedonian President, we are talking about the name issue. This frustrates me. I promise You President Ivanov that I will again speak to Papandreou on the issue. I believe he is also ready for a solution", said
09:39 | 0 | ANA
The Greek National Tourism Office (GNTO) and Greek Consulate office in Berlin was attacked in the early morning hours of Friday by a group of 10-15 vandals wearing masks, resulting in extensive material damage to the GNTO facility.
09:33 | 0 | SEtimes.com
The Electoral College rejected a challenge from the opposition Socialist Party (SP) on Thursday (May 26th) over the final results of the May 8th mayoral election in Tirana.
09:31 | 0 | Emg.rs
Commissioner Füle noted that Montenegro needs to show convincing results in order to move to the next stage of European integration.
17:10 | 0 | ANA
A 20-minute private meeting between Papoulias and Prime Minister George Papandreou followed, after which the prime minister indicated that he would not call snap elections but "proceed alone" according to ANA-MPA sources.
08:23 | 0 | Athens News
The council of political party leaders will convene Friday, after noon, in an extraordinary meeting called the president of the republic, to discuss the economy.
22:14 | 0 | ANA
Prime Minister George Papandreou held an unscheduled meeting with top ministers and associates in Parliament on Thursday evening, in light of Friday's meeting of party leaders to be convened by President Karolos Papoulias.
07:04 | 0 | ANA
The Greek economy will return to sustainable growth next year, helped by increasing demand from abroad, improving competitiveness and results from widespread reforms, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said on Wednesday.
07:01 | 0 | Emg.rs, ANA
Government spokesman Yiorgos Petalotis on Wednesday ruled out scenarios that Greece might quit the eurozone and return to the drachma, saying that such an outcome would be a "major blow" to the country.
06:57 07:00 |
0 | Emg.rs, ANA
A statement by Greece's EU Commissioner Maria Damanaki referring to the country's remaining in the eurozone drew reaction from opposition parties.
06:40 | 0 | Agerpres
The United Nations Development Programme (UNPD) has released more than four million dollars for the Romanian Government over the past five years for a better planning of the biodiversity management in the context of the climate change, UNPD Resident Representative Yesim Oruc
06:37 | 0 | Nine O'Clock
Florin Georgescu, First Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR), stated that the Greek banks present in Romania have a solvency level of over 11 per cent, a comfortable level of liquidity and contingency plans in order to maintain their financial solidity, Mediafax
06:35 | 0 | MIA
One person is killed Tuesday evening on Veles - Gradsko road while other person is heavily injured after unknown perpetrators shot from moving vehicle to other vehicle.
06:33 | 0 | MIA
Ambassador Ralf Breth of Germany took up his appointment as the new Head of the OSCE Mission to Skopje.
06:23 | 0 | Croatian Times
Foreign investment hit the lowest point since 1996, with only 440 million Euros invested in Croatia, the daily Jutarnji List writes.
06:21 | 0 | Croatian Times
Croatia belongs to a group of 21 countries most likely to default, the American business portal Business Insider writes.
06:16 | 0 | Sofia News Agency
The long-term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) outlook of Bulgaria's Societe Generale Expressbank, Allianz Bank Bulgaria and Bulgarian Development Bank have been upgraded to positive by Fitch Ratings.
06:13 | 0 | Sofia News Agency
The appointments were announced by Foreign Minister Nikolay Mladenov and approved by the Council of Ministers on Wednesday. Until now, the country had acting Consul Generals at those places.
06:11 | 3 | BNR
The Bulgarian parliament has allowed highly qualified workers from non-EU countries to work in Bulgaria through a blue card permit.
06:06 | 0 | BNR
14 tons of opiates were seized at the Bulgarian borders during 2010, the Customs Agency has reported.
06:04 | 0 | BH Daily News
All activities conducted by the Agency for Foreign Investment Promotion of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FIPA), since the foundation of the agency, were aimed at creating an image of BiH as a modern state, a serious, competitive and reliable partner for venture capital.
05:59 | 2 | Emg.rs
From 2007 Albania has the best economic growth in Europe. Investments in Albania have increased. Tourism in Albania also had the best increase in the world with 42% growth in 2010 and is estimated to hit a record in 2011.
05:42 | 0 | Emg.rs, Tanjug
The organizers of the summit of the countries of Central and Southeastern Europe, which is to take place in Warsaw on May 27-28, have accepted Slovakia's request that Kosovo should appear at the meeting without state symbols, the name of Kosovo as an independent state, and
22:22 23:43 |
13 | Emg.rs
Taking the lead from Spain, more than 50,000 people were gathered at Syntagma square, Wednesday noon, to protest the austerity measures, responding to a grassroots Facebook campaign. The protest gathering is schedulled to end at 11:30 pm. No police presence was reported.
12:30 | 0 | Emg.rs
The first conference of the South East and Central Europe PR Organisation (SECEPRO) will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 26 and 27 May 2011. It will focus on the Future of Public Relations and the Media Business, including PR Education and PR Networking.
12:24 | 0 | Emg.rs
The Acropolis of Athens will be open from 8.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. all over the year. For the first time, the extension of the opening hours became possible through staff transfers from other fields of the public sector.
12:20 | 0 | ANA
Lauda Air, subsidiary of Austrian Airlines, inagurated on Monday a seasonal direct airlink connecting Vienna with Corfu airport with two flights weekly. The air link will run through 24 September. Moreover three other flights are scheduled that will link Corfu with Salzburg,