09:11 | 0 | Emg.rs
PM Berisha said the foreign investors will find in Albania a favorable climate for their investments and have success stories.
09:17 | 0 | Fena
Accumulated deficit of budget of RS, which amounted 666.69 million KM on December 31 2010, caused sharp reaction of opposition in National Assembly.
09:21 | 0 | Focus News Agency
The number of participants and occupied exhibition area in International Technical Fair are higher this year, Ivan Sokolov, director of Plovdiv International Fair, told FOCUS News Agency.
09:23 | 0 | Sofia News Agency
Bulgaria is forecast to achieve stable rates of economic growth over the next three years but that might be frustrated by the effects of potential restructuring of Greece's sovereign debt, according to Ernst & Young's Summer Eurozone Forecast.
09:28 | 0 | Sofia News Agency
Turkey's President Abdullah Gul has postponed his visit to neighboring Bulgaria, initially scheduled for July 3 and 4, for a week later, due to the opening of his country's first new Parliamentary session.
09:31 | 0 | ANA
President Papoulias will be meeting during his visit with the country's state, political and ecclesiastical leadership, while he will be inaugurating the sessions of the Greek-Romanian Business Forum.
09:32 | 0 | ANA
Public transport unions in Athens will participate in the 48-hour nationwide strike on Tuesday and Wednesday called by the General Confederation of Employees of Greece (GSEE), Greece's largest umbrella trade union organisation representing the private sector, as well as the
09:37 | 0 | ANA
"As a nation, we have been through worse times, under more difficult conditions, but we managed. I hope that this time, too, with national unanimity, under the leadership of your government, it will be able to 'cross over the river', as the saying goes. We will always be
09:39 | 0 | Athensnews.gr
Some 100 Pame members draped banners, which read "The peoples have the power and never surrender - Organise - Counterattack", on the Acropolis.
09:42 | 0 | MIA
President Gjorge Ivanov on Tuesday will present a mandate to VMRO-DPMNE leader Nikola Gruevski to form the new government of the Republic of Macedonia.
09:44 | 0 | Agerpres
The Regulatory Committee within the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE) approved the average price hike by ten percent of the final regulated price for industrial consumers, beginning with July 1, 2011.
09:47 | 0 | Agerpres
At the close of the European Council summit meeting on Friday in Brussels, President Traian Basescu assured that not a single penny of the European structural funds for Romania will be directed to Greece.
17:07 22:05 |
0 | Emg.rs
A heated three-day debate opened on Monday on the plan, ratification of which has been set out by the Eurozone and IMF as a condition for the continued financing of Greece, goes before the Parliament plenary.As thousands rallied in Syntagma square near the parliament, hundreds