Public transportation strike paralyses Athens
09. December 2010. | 09:10
Source: Tanjug
Athens is paralysed with a 24-hour strike of public transportation employees, which protest due to severe measures Greek socialist government, adopted with the purpose of overcoming deep economic crisis in the country.
Athens is paralysed with a 24-hour strike of public transportation employees, which protest due to severe measures Greek socialist government, adopted with the purpose of overcoming deep economic crisis in the country.
Buses, subway and trams in Greek capital are still, and most employees in state owned railways joint the strike partially, due to which many trains’ departures were cancelled.
Measures of savings foreseen by the government for this sector include restructuring state transportation companies and state subventions’ reduction, Greek news agency ANA reports.
This strike did not cause disturbance in marine and air traffic.
Greek unions announced general strike for December 15 in which they will request moderation of severe measures of savings, which were the condition for the country to receive financial aid from abroad.
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