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Koha Ditore: BBC in Albanian to be closed

28. January 2011. | 09:01

Source: Koha Ditore

The BBC World Service has informed on Tuesday that it will close the services in five languages – Macedonian, Portuguese for Africa, Serbian and Albanian and the English service for the Caribbean region.

The BBC World Service has informed on Tuesday that it will close the services in five languages – Macedonian, Portuguese for Africa, Serbian and Albanian and the English service for the Caribbean region.

The Director of the BBC global news, Peter Horrocks, said that “those closure are not a reflection of the work services or individual programs, they are very important for their audiences and for BBC.

This happens, simply, because there is need for savings, because of the grant cuts in the financing for the BBC World Service from the Foreign Ministry of the United Kingdom and we have to reflect our efforts in the languages where it exist bigger need and where we have much more influence”, emphasized Horrocks.


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24. January - 30. January 2011.
