Government declares energy state of crisis, no restrictions for now
14. February 2012. | 10:45
Source: MIA
The Government has declared an energy state of crisis, recommending energy savings, but without power restrictions and increase of electricity prices for now.
The Government has declared an energy state of crisis, recommending energy savings, but without power restrictions and increase of electricity prices for now, Vice Premier for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski, Economy Minister Valon Saraqini, Macedonian Power Plants (ELEM) and Electricity Transmission System Operator of Macedonia (MEPSO) said at Monday's press conference.
"The state of crisis is declared as a result of the serious disruption in the operation of the power supply system and the impossibility of its functional sustainability, lack of electricity in the system accompanied by impossibility of import, extremely low levels in reservoirs due to the continually unfavorable hydrometeorological conditions, as well as the extremely increased consumption of electricity resulting from the low temperatures", Vice Premier Pesevski said while elaborating last night's Government decision, which also includes limitation of electricity export by February 29.
According to him, all efforts would be invested against power restrictions for households. However, he warned on the possibility of collapse of power lines, which repair might take some time.
Pesevski and Saraqini urged citizens to undertake all measures for reduction of power consumption.
"There is no room for panic and concern with regards to serious disruptions of the power supply system, but all citizens, households and companies need to demonstrate responsibility", stressed Pesevski.
Minister Saraqini said the Government has also passed additional measures, including the turning off of all illuminating ads, minimum lighting at streets, squares and other facilities, as well as a ban to use electricity as supplementary heating.
ELEM director-general Vlatko Cingoski said there is serious lack of electricity, but prices would not be upped as long as there are savings.
Thermal power plant "Negotino" would be put into operation in case of need, thus eliminating problems in supply of tariff consumers.
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