09:00 | 0 | EMportal
Eleven wineries from FYRMacedonia, supported by USAID's AgBiz program, are promoted at international fair "ProWein 2010", held March 21-23 in Dusseldorf.
09:04 | 0 | MIA
Film "Summer House" (2007) of Olivier Assayas will open Monday the Week of Francophone Film in Macedonian Cinematheque.
09:06 | 0 | Fena
Croatian PM Jadranka Kosor has, on Saturday at Brdo near Kranj, consigned to BiH CoM Chair Nikola Spiric translations of legal heritage of European Union.
09:11 09:22 |
0 | Fena
Industrial production in FBiH in February 2010 compared to average monthly production from 2009 has decreased for 7.2% and compared to production from February 2009 has increased for 3.5%, and compared to January 2010 it has increased for 2.3%; Federal Institute for Statistics
09:24 | 0 | BNR
Bulgaria and Qatar will work on and implement joint projects in the field of energy, infrastructure, tourism, agriculture and training of experts. For this purpose, a joint Bulgarian-Qatar company fo investments will be created, and the joint interstate committee is to start work
09:27 | 0 | Focus News Agency
The Greek debt crisis may directly affect the US economy by hitting American exports and the financial system, Atlanta Federal Reserve regional chief Dennis Lockhart said Monday, AFP reported.
09:29 | 0 | MIA
Secretary General of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Jose Angel Gurria, says that Greece should pursue multiple ways to counter its fiscal crisis.
09:31 | 0 | Croatian Times
Nearly month-long flooding in Kosinj Valley in Croatia's central region of Lika had caused 11 million kuna (1,514,000 Euros) of damage to the area, inspectors reported yesterday.
09:34 | 0 | EMportal
The conference ''Security and fundamental rights – what rules for the Internet?'' will take place in Strasbourg on 23-25 March with the aim to strengthen co-operation between the public and private sectors in combating crimes committed via the Internet.
09:36 | 0 | EUbusiness.com
The Spanish presidency of the European Union said on Monday it would push the bloc to agree on financial aid for Greece at a summit this week, despite reservations from EU powerhouse Germany.
10:12 | 0 | EMportal
The Greek economy is in the midst of a deep crisis, characterised mainly by a large fiscal deficit, huge debt and the continued erosion of its competitive position. hese problems arose before the international crisis of 2008 and it was inevitable that, in the absence of bold and